Movie Date

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*Rosalie's POV*

"Wait so you guys are official?!" Miah asked me.
"Not really," I shook my head, "Well I mean kind of I guess. Like." I tried to find the right words to tell her but I wasn't exactly sure what to say. "We kiss and stuff but he hasn't exactly asked me to be with him yet," I told her.
"Ohh," she nodded and smiled at m, "That's adorable to be honest. You guys would be sooo cute!!" she rambled on, "Wosalie!!!"
"What the hell?" I laughed.
"Your ship name duh! Wosalie!" she exclaimed, "That's fucking cute! Don't deny it!"
"It's cute," I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'm not getting attached to him as quickly though... We saw what happened with Melo."
"Yah but Will is," she paused, "Will is more into stuff like that. Like he takes things seriously while LaMelo just doesn't."
"That's true," I nodded, "I don't know."
"I don't know either though," she smiled. Then Will's name popped up on the screen. "Let me call you back Miah, Will's calling," I switched FaceTime calls and smiled at Will. "What's up?" I asked.
"You busy?" he looked at me.
"I was just talking to Miah so no, not really," I shook my head, "How come?"
"You down to go to the movies with me?" he smiled, "In a half hour."
"To see what?" I asked.
"Whatever you want," he smiled.
"Who else is coming?"
"Umm just you and I," he nodded.
"So a date?" I giggled.
"If you wanna get technical," he shrugged, smiling.
"I'll see you then Will," I smiled. He smiled back and hung up. I went to Miah's contact and started to text her as I got ready.

He asked me on a date!!


The moviesss! ☺️

How cute!!😭 Have fun😉 if you know what I mean. 😏


I put my phone down and got changed into something cute but comfy.

By the time I was ready I heard Will beep his horn to tell me I was here

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By the time I was ready I heard Will beep his horn to tell me I was here. I walked downstairs and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face. "What going on?" Chase looked at me, smiling.
"Well you seeee," I giggled, "Will is taking me on a movie date."
"Will the neighbor?" May asked.
"Will my friend??" August asked after her.
"Yes and yes," I smiled and got my shoes on, "See you after!" I waved at them and walked out before they could say anything else. I walked out to the car and got into the front. "I would've came in but both of your brothers scare me," he laughed.
"It's okay, they scare me too," I laughed and buckled up. He started to drive us to the cinema and he reached his hand over and took mine in his. Our fingers interlocked and he continued to drive. The music filled the comforting silence as I looked out at the beautiful palm trees and the setting sky. "You couldn't have picked a more beautiful night," I told him.
"Or a more beautiful girl," he told me.
"That was really smooth," I giggled.
"I know," he laughed, shaking his head a little bit. He pulled into the parking lot and found a spot to park. He walked us in, our fingers still interlocked together. We looked at what movies were playing and decided on the movie "The Greatest Showman" He paid for our tickets and food, refusing to let me help pay. We went to the theatre and found some seats in the back. There wasn't many people in the movie theatre, seeing it was the last day it was showing.

One the movie started Will's arm wrapped around my shoulder. I ate on the popcorn, that was placed on his lap. The movie started not long after the previews and we started to watch. Halfway through the movie I felt his eyes on me. I looked over at him and smiled small. "What?" I whispered to him. He shook his head and made eye contact with me. Not saying a word his lips pressed against mine. I leaned closer to him as we continued to kiss. He licked my bottom lip and my mouth split open a little bit. Our tongues roamed each others mouth as we started to make out. It was never a heated make out though. It was full of passion, something Melo and I never really had together. I pulled away from the make out and licked my bottom lip. "Watch the movie," I whispered to him, giggling. I looked back at the movie screen but I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't even concentrate on the movie. The scene of us kissing just replayed in my head, over and over.

The movie ended and Will took me out of the theatre. We threw our garbage away and he put his arm around my shoulders. "Did you like it?" he asked.
"I did," I giggled.
"So did I," he nodded, walking us back to the car. It was now dark out and the only light came from the signs, street lights, and the moon. We got into the car and he started to drive. "So um," I started.
"Yeah?" he glanced away from the road to look at me, then his eyes were on the road again.
"What are we?" I asked.
"I don't want to rush you," he started, "But I know damn well that, that kiss meant something and there was something there."
"There was," I agreed.
"You just said you wanted to take it slow," he told me.
"I know but I don't want to anymore," I looked at him.
"You don't?" he looked at me at a red light.
"No," I shook my head.
"What does that mean?" he asked. I leaned in and pecked three kisses on his lips. "Means if you want to be together I'm ready," I told him.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he smiled at me.
"I do," I smiled, nodding.

This part was cute oml. But I'm going to give you guys a small update about me and my posting. I know I haven't been consistent and some parts haven't been long or they are kind of dull but I haven't been feeling good the last couple months and we haven't found out why yet. I've been really trying to make the stories better and update more but it's very hard when you're not feeling well, I'm v sorry!

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