Girl Talk

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*Rosalie's POV*

"Hey can you drive me home today?" I asked Miah.
"Yeah why?" she asked, getting her books out.
"I need to talk to you, alone," I sighed.
"About what?" she asked, concerned.
"LaMelo," I sighed, shutting my locker. She nodded and shut hers as well. I followed her to our last class, which I had with August. I've noticed that since Miah and August got paired a partners for this in class project they got close... a little too close... Not like friendship close... Hmm..

After class I followed Miah back up to our lockers. I felt Will's arms wrap around me. I giggled a little bit and looked up at him. "Hey baby," I smiled and put my books away.
"Hey cutie," he smiled.
"I'm going to ride home with Miah because we have to talk about something," I told him, smiling.
"About me?" he pouted.
"Noo," I shook my head and pecked a kiss on his pout, "Girl things."
"Ew," he laughed and pulled away, "I'll see you later though?"
"Yeah we are coming over for dinner I think," I nodded.
"Oh yeah that's right, my mom invited you guys tonight," he nodded. I nodded and he kissed my head and walked away. I got my bag out of my locker. I shut the door and followed Miah to her car. I got into the passenger side. "Talk," she told me as she started to drive.
"So LaMelo, when he stopped me in the hall, told me he didn't want Will and I together," I told her.
"What?? Why??" he asked.
"I don't know," I shook my head, "He was the one who fucking slept with Ashley and brushed me off to the side like I wasn't anything and now he's mad I'm with someone who actually knows how to treat me."
"He's just mad because you're a 10 and he lost you," she laughed, as did I.
"I don't know just mad me mad... Like he left me and hurt me, the least he can do is let me be happy," I shrugged.
"Exactly," she agreed.
"Anyways," I shrugged, "What's going on with you and August??" I giggled.
"Nothing," she gasped, taken back by what I brought up.
"Shut up," I laughed, "You giggle at everything he says! If you're into him that's totally okay with me Miah!"
"Really??" she glanced at me, her face lit up.
"Really," I smiled, "It's okay."
"Oh my god," she giggled, "Thank god cause I like him a lot."
"Does he like you?" I asked.
"I don't know," she shrugged, "I was going to ask you that."
"I haven't really seen him in a relationship so I wouldn't get your hopes up," I shrugged, "But you never know. You could just be the one." I teased. She laughed a little bit and pulled up to my house, Will was already home meaning so was August. "I'll ask him about it and report back," I laughed, "Thanks for driving me. See you tomorrow." I got out an went inside.

I went into August's room and sat by him on the bed, a mischievous smile on my face. "Oh god," he looked at me, "What?"
"You and Miah?" I squealed, poking at his sides.
"Shut up!!" he groaned and pushed my hands away roughly, which I was used to because he's always rough, "She's so damn pretty I doubt that she would eve want me."
"I think differently," I giggled, "A little birdy told me she was really into you."
"Really?" he smiled at me.
"Yes," I giggled, "Oh my god ask her to homecoming!"
"You don't think she already has a date?" he asked.
"I'm her date," I laughed, "Ask her August!"
"Okay," he laughed, "Okay I will at school tomorrow..."
"Good, now get dressed and put deodorant on stank ass," I laughed and walked out of his room, shutting the door. I went to my room and put on a different outfit, something better than the clothes I wore to school. I went downstairs and sat down at the table, waiting to leave to go to Will's house.

We just finished eating dinner and cleaning up. We were all the table talking and Will stood up out of no where and grabbed a box that had been sitting on the kitchen counter all night. He sat back down and slid it across the table to me. He had a wide smile on his face. I looked up at him and then back down at the box. The room got quiet as they watched me to see what was in the box. I undid the bow on the top and unwrapped it. I opened the box and took the note off the top. I opened it and started to read it out loud. "I know this isn't a big 'promposal' but August told me you do like that anyways... now I'm just rambling.. anyways, I hope that you will do me the honors and wear this ring to homecoming with me," I put the note down and moved the tissue paper out of the way. I looked at the ring and smiled even bigger. "Will," I smiled at him, "Oh my god... You didn't have to," I smiled at him.
"Yes I did," he smiled at me. I put the ring on my middle finger on my left hand.

 "Of course I'll go with you," I smiled bigger at him

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"Of course I'll go with you," I smiled bigger at him. I stood up and walked to him hugging him tight. He hugged back and everyone was saying 'awe' to us. I giggled a little bit and pulled away from our hug. I kissed his cheek and sat back at my seat. "Now you have to Miah," I told August.
"You're going to take Miah??" Will asked, "Finally dude."
"Shut up," August laughed, shaking his head.
"How long you been crushing??" I laughed.
"How long you been friends?" he asked.
"Damn," I laughed and shook my head, "Cant believe you didn't tell me."
"I guess we growing up," he pouted at me. I pouted back at him and laughed. "I guess," I giggled.

Awee yay! Are you on Melo's side or Will's??

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