Dress Shopping

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*LaMelo's POV*

As I was playing 2K in my room my phone went off a few times. I paused my game and checked my messages. It was my friend, Jace.

Bro did you see Will and Rosalie going to hoco together? And he got her a ring

What kind of a ring?

Those princess rings. I think they serious.

Nah they aint... No one is serious, it's high school. 😂😂

I put my phone away and shook my head. Why did I ever let her go? Now I cant even get with her... What the hell kind of a mess did I get myself into?

*Rosalie's POV*

So today Miah and I are going out dress shopping after school and I'm really excited. We have two days till homecoming and I saw this dress in a magazine and I really like it. I hope I can find it or one similar. Miah drove us to the dress shops around the town as we looked at the dresses. We tried a bunch on and had a really fun time. We were at the last shop and neither of us could find he right one. "Who am I even going to go with?" she pouted, "You're going with Will now."
"Trust me someone will ask you, you're gorgeousss," I smiled at her.
"Thanks," she pouted. I laughed a little bit and continued to look through the dresses. "Oh my god this is the dress!!" I looked at her, "I found it!" I smiled and took it off the wrack. I checked the tag and the size it was my size, and it was terribly expensive. "Go try it on, it's so pretty oh my god!" she smiled at me. I went to the dressing room and changed into the dress. I looked in the mirror and smiled bigger. I walked out of the changing room and Miah was waiting with a dress. "Oh my gosh yes that's the one!!" she told me, smiling bigger. I nodded and turned around, "Look good from the back?"
"Looks great!" she agreed. I went back and changed out of it. I walked out and let Miah go change. I sat down in one of the chairs they had and held my dress. She came out in the dress she found and smiled at me. "What do you think??" she asked.
"That's a beautiful dress oh my gosh!" I smiled at her, "it fits you so perfectly. That's definitely the right one!"
"You think so?" she smiled, looking in the mirror.
"I think so," I nodded and smiled bigger at her. She nodded at me through the mirror and went back to change. I stood up and heard my phone go off. I checked it and saw it was LaMelo.

Hey I wanna talk to you... I miss you. 🙁

I sighed a little bit and put my phone away again. Once Miah got out we went to the checkout and bought the dresses. We went out to the car and put our dresses in the backseat. I got into the passenger side and Miah got in the driver. "Melo texted me saying he missed me," I sighed, looking over at her as she started to drive.
"What the hell," she shook her head, "Tell him you're with Will and to stop texting you bullshit like that."
"I know," I sighed, "I will." I nodded and got my phone out and opened the message.

I'm with Will LaMelo. Nothing is going to change that. You just want to mess around and be together for fun but Will doesn't. He is down for me like you weren't. Just accept it that we aren't going to be together...

I know but I realized that I really want you please Rosalie. 😣

No you only want me now that you cant have me. I gotta go. I'll see you later.

I read the messages out to Miah and then put my phone away. "Yeah that was a good way to tell him," she told me.
"Okay good," I nodded and smiled small. We pulled back up to my house and got out. We went inside and up to my room. My room was decorated with balloons that spelt out the word "Hoco?" and there was roses sitting around them. August was there and he smiled at Miah, waiting for her answer. She looked over at me with a big smile on her face. I nodded at her she looked back at August. "Of course!" she giggled, smiling at him. She laid her dress on the bed and hugged him tight. I smiled over at them and checked my phone. Will.

What is Melo texting you??

Nothing baby it doesn't matter.

yeah it does cause he's telling me that you agreed to go to hoco with him??

Oh my god no. 🤦🏽‍♀️

I took a screenshot of Melo and I's conversation and sent it to Will.

This is all that was said. I didn't want you two to start fighting so I've been keeping it to myself. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Well thanks for being honest....

Are you upset at Melo or me?

Melo to be honest.

I'm sorry. I don't know what his issue is.

He's just mad I finally have something he cant have.

Oh well I just went dress shopping so I'll text you in a little bit, maybe you can come over?

Sounds good baby 😘

I put my phone down on my bed and August cleaned the stuff out of my room. "You knew about this??" she smiled.
"Well kind of," I laughed, "I knew he was going to ask you cause I knew he liked you."
"Ohh," she giggled, smiling at me. I nodded and hung my dress in the closet. "Melo is telling Will I agreed to go to hoco with him," I looked a her, "He's trying to break us up."
"Wow," she shook her head, "Melo just, I don't know. He just doesn't know to show is emotions to people."
"I can tell," I laughed a little bit.
"Just give him some time, he'll stop," she nodded.

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. My birthday was Sunday and we went out of town for the weekend so that's why I didn't update! I hope you this part though!

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