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*Rosalie's POV*

I was awaken by the sound of my alarm clock blaring. I groaned and turned it off. School. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and went to my bathroom. I washed my face and went back to my room to get ready. For homecoming week today was school spirit day. I didn't really have any "school spirit" items, like clothing or anything. So I decided not to really participate. I did my makeup and my hair and got my outfit on for the day.

I went downstairs after I got ready and August had on Chino Hills sweatpants and tank top, his shoes matched the colors

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I went downstairs after I got ready and August had on Chino Hills sweatpants and tank top, his shoes matched the colors. "Wow look at you," he laughed.
"I know, so dressed up," I laughed and grabbed my plate of food. I sat down and started to eat. "Where'd you get all yours?" I asked.
"LaMelo gave me it," he chuckled, nodding.
"Got it," I laughed and ate my food. We finished and went out to the bus stop. Will pulled out of his drive way and parked by us. "Get in," he laughed. We smile and go in, he got shotgun. I groaned a little bit and got in the back. "Aye by the way my old basketball shirt is in the back for you to put on," Will told me as he started to drive.
"Really?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah it was last years and I got one this year so you can have it," he told me.
"Thanksss," I smiled and picked it up. It was a little bigger than I usually wear because he's a lot taller than I am. I took my cardigan off and threw the tee shirt over my tank top. "You're the greatest," I leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"Ew stop!" August groaned.
"Shut up," I laughed, shaking my head. We pulled up to the school and walked inside. Will wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled at me. I smiled up at him as he walked me to my locker. "See you after class," he pecked a kiss on my forehead and walked off. I smiled bigger and opened my locker. "Wow Melo and then Will?" I heard a girl comment, "Hommie hopper."
"Shut the fuck up," I laughed, "Melo and I weren't even serious."
"Whatever you say, slut," she walked away. I laughed, shaking my head. Miah walked up a bit later and she was dressed up as well. "Wow look at how cute you areee," I giggled, looking at her.
"Who's shirt is that??" she smirked at me, noticing it was too big for me.
"Will gave me it," I giggled.
"Oh my gosh!" she squealed, "How cute!"
"I know right," I giggled, smiling at her.
"You two are way cuter than you and LaMelo ever were," she told me.
"Thanks," I laughed a little bit, smiling small. She shut her locker as the bell rang and we both walked to our class.

*LaMelo's POV*

I walked to my class and one of my friends came up behind me. "Aye bro did you see Will and Rosalie this morning??" he asked me.
"No?" I laughed, "Why?"
"He had his arm around her and walked her to her locker and before he left he kissed her forehead," he explained to me.
"Really?" I stopped walking.
"Yeah," he nodded.
"Okay," I shook my head and walked again. I sat down in my seat, next to Will. "So you and Rosalie for real?" I laughed, looking at him.
"I guess so," he shrugged, smiling small.
"That's dope," I nodded and shrugged a little bit.
"Yeah," he smiled and got his notebook out. I don't know why but I was... I don't know. Jealous or mad.. I don't know what I was. I gave him permission to date her but I never thought I would miss her. I mean I fucked it up... I left her and I didn't really think that I needed her, or wanted her... But I don't really want a relationship right now, but I also don't want her in one either... What's going on?!

At lunch I found Rosalie in the hallway, with Miah. "Hey Miah can I talk to Rosalie?" I asked her.
"Umm," she looked at Rosalie and she nodded, "Yeah I'll meet you at our table Rosa." Then Miah walked away. "Yeah?" Rosalie smiled at me.
"So you and Will?" I asked.
"Kind of," I laughed, "I mean we are taking it kind of slowly. We just got together last night," she shrugged.
"Oh," I nodded and shrugged back.
"Why does it matter? You gave him the okay," she told me.
"It doesn't matter I was just wondering," I shook my head
"You asked Will too though," she laughed.
"Wanted to hear it from you too," I laughed a little.
"Okay, can I go now?" she asked, "Will and Miah are waiting for me."
"One last thing," I started, "I don't want you with Will."
"Well I don't care what you want," she told me, "I care what I want."
"Well damn," I shrugged, "Please hear me out Rosalie."
"No I have to go, you're wasting my lunch time," she pushed past me and walked away. I sighed a little bit as I watched her walk off... Dammit... I really messed up...

*Rosalie's POV*

I got my lunch and sat down next to Miah. "So what was that about??" she asked.
"Yeah?" Will asked.
"What happened?" August asked, sitting down.
"Melo stopped me in the hall to ask about Will and I," I laughed, "Guess he didn't believe you." I left out the part of him telling me he didn't want me to be with him. I figured that wasn't important. I started eating my food and I knew Miah read right through me. She could tell I was hiding something, August caught on as well. I just didn't want Will to know because I didn't want to ruin their friendship, more than I already might be. Why is this so... so complicated...

Melo! You had your chance! Sit yo ass down! Lmao are you team
#Wosalie or #Mosalie ??

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