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*Rosalie's POV*

"Leave me alone!!" I cried as I heard a knock on the door. I pulled the covers closer to my body as I heard my door shut. "I said leave me alone," I sniffled. I felt the bed sink behind me. "You see I'm your brother I can," I heard August tell me. I shrugged and wiped my eyes. I felt him lay under my blanket and cuddle into my back. "What's happening?" he asked.
"Melo," I sniffled a little bit.
"What did he do??" he asked, getting tense.
"I guess he is sleeping with Ashley," I sighed.
"Really??" I felt him sit up.
"Don't please," I sighed, "It's fine. Really August."
"No it's not fine," he told me, "You're crying."
"I'm just upset," I sat up and wiped my eyes, "It's fine though. Please? I don't want the drama." He looked over at me and sighed a little bit. He nodded and kissed my head. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed on my back. "You promise you're okay?" he asked.
"I promise," I nodded, "I jus was caught off guard." I pulled away and wiped my eyes. I smiled small at him. He smiled back and stood up and walked out of the room. I heard my phone go off and I laid back in my bed and grabbed it off the side table. It was Will.

Hey... How you doing?

I'm alright.

I'm really sorry.

It's fine I guess.

I knew they were talking but I didn't think they would fuck...

You knew and you didn't tell me?

Melo swore they were just friends. Didn't think I needed to tell you..

Oh okay I guess...

Wanna come over? Play some basketball, swim or something. Get your mind off it?

I'd actually really like that.

Come over and we can swim for a lil?

I'll be over in a few.

I stood up and took my makeup off, seeing it was all runny anyways from crying. I put my hair into a top knot and found my bikini in my drawer. I put it on and threw a tee shirt over it. I grabbed my phone. I looked at it for a second and then set it back down on the side table. I walked downstairs and threw on my slides. "I'm going to Will's to swim, I'll be back later okay?" I looked at Chase.
"Okay be back before dinner okay?" he told me.
"I will," I nodded. I walked out of the house and saw Will shooting hoops in his drive way. He didn't have a shirt on and he had swim trunks on. I walked over to him and hit the ball out of his hands as he went to shoot. "Blocked!!" I laughed.
"Damnn," he laughed as well and put the basketball back in the garage. He took me out to his back yard, where his pool and hot tub was. "C'mon!" Will yelled and jumped into the pool.


As we were swimming around he pulled me close to pick me up and throw me again. Our eyes locked together and he stopped picking me up. He held my waist as our faces were getting closer. Soon enough our lips came in contact with each others. My eyes shut and my hands placed on his bare, wet chest. I haven't felt this before. I never felt this with Melo. I did, I felt something, but this... This is different. I don't know how to explain it, it was... magical almost... We pulled away slowly and I looked up at him. "We shouldn't be doing this," I whispered to him.
"I know," He whispered back, "But we should." He leaned down again and his lips pressed against mine again. I didn't hesitate to kiss back for the second time.

"So are we going to talk about it?" Will asked, drying himself off.
"About the kiss?" I asked, "Kisses."
"Yah," he nodded.
"I just," I started, "I don't think I'm ready to start dating you right after Melo just left me... I want to wait a few weeks."
"No I get it," he nodded, "I wouldn't expect anything else to be honest."
"You're okay with that?" I asked, sitting down on one of the patio chairs.
"I am," he smiled and sat down next to me.
"Okay good," I smiled, "Let's start fresh as talking okay?"
"Okay," he agreed, smiling.

I got back home before dinner and I went to my room to change. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I went to August's room and knocked. I walked in and squealed, shutting the door behind me. "What??" he laughed, playing his video game.
"Will and I kissed," I told him.
"You and Will did what?" he paused his game and looked at me.
"We kissed," I giggled, smiling small at him.
"Dudeee," he laughed, "You just gon go around kissing all my friends??" he teased.
"Well if they weren't all hot," I laughed, "No I'm not. Just Will and LaMelo."
"Bet," he laughed, going back to his game.

*Will's POV*

Rosalie just left and I haven't been this happy in awhile. I went up to my room and changed into a pair of sweats and I left my shirt off. I sat in my bed and got my phone out. I texted LaMelo.

Aye would you be cool if I started talking to Rosalie?

You and Rosalie?? Lmao go for it dude.

No like beef? Like you wouldn't be mad?

Nah we good bro.

Dope. See you at school.

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