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*Rosalie's POV*

I finished doing my makeup and checked the time. It was 11:48AM. LaMelo was coming to get me at 12 to go out to get lunch before he was going to practice. I got my outfit on, that I picked out earlier this morning.

I waited outside on the porch for LaMelo to get here

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I waited outside on the porch for LaMelo to get here. It was about 11:58 and I saw Melo's car pull up. He wasn't lying about having a Lamborghini. I got into the passenger side and smiled at him. "Damn you do have a nice car," I laughed a little.
"I know," he chuckled and started to drive, "I hope you like McDonalds."
"I do," I laughed and nodded.
"Good," he laughed and continued to drive.
"I like your hair," I mentioned.
"You do?" he chuckled.
"I do," I nodded, "It's cute. Looks good on you."
"Thanks babe," he winked at me and pulled into the McDonalds parking lot. We both got out of the car and he took me inside. We both ordered our food and he paid for it. I thanked him for the food and we got our tray and went to a booth. We talked and got to know each other more. It was so funny and wild. I really liked that. He was just outgoing and made me forget about anything. He just made me live in the now and I loved that about him.

We got back to the car and he started to drive again. "Where you go to practice?" I asked.
"24 hour fitness for now," he told me, "Till school starts."
"Oh okay," I nodded and smiled at him, "August would like that."
"He is coming," Melo chuckled.
"Oh," I laughed, "Wow goes to show how much I know." He laughed and as did I. He pulled back up to my house and August walked out. I got out of the car and smiled at him. "Thank you for lunch," I smiled at him.
"Anytime," he smiled at me. I walked out of the way and August got into the passenger side. I went inside again and he drove off with August.

*LaMelo's POV*

"How was your date with my sister?" August laughed a little bit.
"It was great, she's an awesome girl," I nodded. She really was. She was so fun an her smile was gorgeous. "She is, don't fuck her over," he warned but laughed it off. I did as well.

We met up with Will and a few other guys from school, that are on the basketball team. We played around for awhile and then we took a break. "Yo there's going to be a new girl this year and she she's so pretty," I told everyone.
"She is also my twin," August chimed in.
"Yeah," I laughed, "I took her out on a lunch today."
"You did?" Will asked.
"Yeah," I nodded and laughed a bit, "Think I won her over.
"I doubt it," August laughed, "She puts her walls up easily to people and they hard to knock down."
"I'll do it," I chuckled a little bit, "I think I already did."
"Get it dude," one of my friends laughed. I laughed a little bit and leaned back on the wall. I drank my water bottle as we all talked.

*Wills POV*

I cant believe that Melo took her out on a date... I was too shy to ask her and now it's too late. If Melo wants to be with her then I'm not going to get in the way. I don't want to let a girl ruin our friendship so I'm just going to let him be with her. I probably don't even like her that much, I just met her...


*Rosalie's POV*

"So before school starts can we go get our nails done and go shopping?" I asked May, smiling at her.
"Oh my god yes!" she smiled, "That would be so fun!"
"When should we go?" I asked, smiling at her.
"When does school start again?"
"Next Monday," I told her.
"Why don't we go to the mall tomorrow with your brothers and they can go do whatever and you and I can get our nails done and shop?" she smiled.
"I'm down!" I agreed, "Im sure Chase and August will want to too."
"I'm sure," she nodded, "August needs new clothes and stuff as well." I nodded at her and smiled bigger. May is really amazing. She was there for me when my parents died and she helped me a lot. She has been acting as a mother figure for me since my mothers passing and I really appreciate it. She is like my friend and my mom at times.

We got to the mall the next day about 1 o'clock PM and we split up with Chase and August. We found the nail salon and we went in. We got pedicures first. "So how are you and LaMelo doing?" she asked.
"Really good," I giggled, "We have been talking so much lately!"
"Really?" she asked, "Like, talk, talking??"
"Yes," I nodded, "he flirts with me a lot and he isn't like flirting for like pictures or anything like that. He just is flirting with me," I smiled
"What about Will?" she asked.
"He is like my best friend," I smiled and nodded.
"That's awesome to know someone when you're going to a new school," she told me, "But you have August too so."
"Yeah August is like my safe guard or whatever you want to call it," I laughed a little bit.
"I get what you mean," she agreed. Our pedicure finished and then we got our nails done.

(Rosalie's nails^^)

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(Rosalie's nails^^)

We went shopping for awhile as well and I got school supplies and new shoes, clothes, and stuff like that. We got home at about 3:30PM or so. "You ready to start school?" Chase asked us as we were going through the shopping bags in the living room.
"Kind of," I shrugged.
"I'm excited for basketball to start," August replied.
"I wanna try out for volleyball," I nodded.
"You guys will make teams I'm sure of it," May told us, "You are both amazing."
"Thanks May," I smiled at her.
"Thanks," August nodded. We finished going through the bags and we brought it up to our rooms. "I don't like May acting like mom," he scoffed and walked away to his room.

I need a character for someone to be a girl in Chino that is going to end up being Rosalie's friend so if you want to be her comment and I'll message you. First come first serve. If you don't reply to my message within about 5 hours or so I'm going to give it to the next person.

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