Best Decision

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*Rosalie's POV*

~6 Months Later~

It's been so good lately. Melo ended up dropping out of school last week to be homeschooled. It has been so nice honestly. There's no more drama starting, nothing. Will and I stopped sneaking around about last month and it's been the best. Especially now that Melo is out of the picture.

"Hey babe what are you doing later?" Will asked as I go my books out of my locker.
"Nothing I don't think," I looked at him smiling, "How come?"
"Cause we are going to go to Dave and Buster for dinner and play around in the arcade," he told me.
"Who is 'we'?" I laughed a bit.
"Me, August, Daijon, Jace, Miah probably, Nicolas," he nodded.
"Alright I'm down," I smiled and nodded.
"Okay I'll pick you and August up at 5," he told me.
"See you thee baby," I giggled, kissing his cheek a few times. He pecked my lips and jogged off to his locker. I looked over at Miah as she walked up. "You going tonight with Will to Dave and Busters?" she asked me.
"Yeah are you coming?" I asked.
"Told August I'd only go if you did," she laughed.
"Well you're in luck cause I'm going," I giggled.
"Thank god," she laughed, smiling at me.


After school we got a ride home from Miah. I thanked her for the ride and then went out to the house. I went inside, August trailing behind. "How was school?" Chase asked as we both came in.
"Good," I nodded, taking my shoes off.
"It was fine. Can we go to Dave and Busters with some of our friends tonight for dinner?" Chase asked.
"Yeah that's fine. You know the curfew though," he told us.
"Got it," I agreed, nodding. I went upstairs to my room and checked the time. We have about two hours so I laid in bed and went on my phone for awhile. I killed the time for about an hour and then decided to start getting ready. I changed out of my school clothes and into something else.

I fixed my hair into a half up, half down bun

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I fixed my hair into a half up, half down bun. I curled the rest of my hair and by the time I was done it was about 4:45. I sprayed on some perfume and went downstairs. I sat down on the couch next to May and smiled over at her. "You look cute," she laughed, "You going out with Will?"
"I am," I nodded, "And his friends and August and Miah."
"Ooo nice," she smiled at me. I nodded and leaned back on the couch and not much later August came down. "Will said he is leaving in 5," August told me, sitting on the couch next to me.
"Sounds good," I nodded and got up, putting my shoes on. I sat down again on the ouch and smiled bigger. "Someone looks excited," Chase teased.
"Yeah I am," I giggled.
"Not you, August," he laughed.
"Shut up!" August laughed.

Will honked the horn and I followed August outside. I got into the front seat and buckled up. "Miah is meeting us there," August told Will.
"Sounds good," Will nodded as he started to drive. He reached over and took his hand in mine, locking our fingers together. I held his hand back and smiled over at him. I looked out the window and sang along to the music he had on, as did he and August. We pulled up to Dave and Busters and got out. Miah was already there, as was Jace. Daijon and Nicolas weren't there yet though. August gave Miah a hug and then we followed them in. Will got us a big table and we sat down. I sat between Miah and Will, August on Miah's other side. Jace sat across the table from Will. We ordered our drinks and then Daijon and Nicolas came. "Finally!" August laughed.
"Shut up," Daijon laughed, sitting down, "My girl is coming too."
"Kaliah?" Will asked.
"Yes," Daijon nodded.
"Who is that?" I asked.
"She's graduated already," Will told me. I nodded and drank my drink once the waiter brought it back. We ordered our food and talked for awhile. Then Kaliah came. I knew it was her because Daijon got up and brought her over to the table. "I'm Rosalie," I waved at her.
"Nice to meet you," she smiled at me.
"Miah," Miah smiled small at her. Kaliah waved at her, taking her seat. The food came not long later and we all started to eat.

After we ate we went to the arcade and started playing games. We played for about an hour and half to two hours. "Ready to head back?" Will whispered to me, "I have a surprise for you at my house."
"You do?" I giggled, looking back at him. He nodded and smiled at me. I smiled and nodded.
"We are heading home," Will announced.
"Alright I'll catch a ride with Miah," August told us. Will nodded and have everyone but Miah a bro hug. I hugged Miah and whispered to her, "I think I'm getting laid."
"No fucking way. You go girl," she whispered back, giggling.

Will drove us back to his house and took me inside. I held his hand as he lead me upstairs an di smiled up at him. He took me to his room and shut the door. "My parents wont be back for a another two hours or so," he told me.
"And?" I smiled over at him.
"And that means," he leaned in and started to kiss on my neck, "We can have some fun." I nodded, tilting my head away from him to give him better access to my neck.

I stood up and got dressed smiling bigger at him. He got dressed as well and kissed me. I kissed back and he pulled away. "I love you," he whispered to me.
"I love you too," I smiled bigger at him. We have never told each other that before... "you do?" he smiled.
"I do," I nodded slowly, smiling at him, "I really think I do."
"Good," he smiled at me, hugging me, "I guess we were right."
"About what?" I smiled.
"That we would be together for awhile," he smiled.
"Best decision I've ever made," I nodded.

Aweee that's the end you guysss! I hope you enjoyed the book! I'm in the process of making a Kyle Kuzma book so watch out for that! I'm also going to be making a Jaylen Hands book. I'll be posting different plots for you guys to chose from for the Jaylen hands book.

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