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*Rosalie's POV*

The weekend I didn't do anything. I stayed in my room as much as I could. I didn't want to do anything. Miah told me that people were talking about what happened at homecoming and I'm not looking forward to school today. I just want to stay in my room, where nothing can go wrong. I sighed a little bit as I changed into my outfit for the day.

I got my bag off the floor and went downstairs

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I got my bag off the floor and went downstairs. "Look who finally came down," August laughed, trying to make me feel better.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I rather be upstairs," I shrugged a little bit and sat down by him. I started to eat my food and leaned back. "What have they been saying about me?" I asked August.
"I been telling everyone to stop but they are calling you a homie hopper and saying how you are the new girl slut," he sighed.
"Great," I nodded and stood up. I threw the rest of my food out and cleaned up my plate. I got my shoes on to leave and shrugged.
"Let's just go and get today over with," I sighed. August finished eating and put his plate in the sink. He threw on a hoodie and grabbed his bag off the bench. I followed him outside to the bus stop. "I wont let anyone mess with you as long as I'm around," he told me.
"Well you aren't around enough," I sighed, shrugging. He put his arms around me and hugged me tight. "I know but don't worry it'll blow over soon enough," he told me.
"Okay," I hugged back. I heard the bus coming and pulled away from him. I smiled small at him and followed him onto the bus. I sat down in the seat and August sat next to me on the outside seat. "Hey look it's-" August cut the guy off.
"Leave her alone Alan!!" he yelled at him and Alan slumped down in his seat. I put my head on August's shoulder and sighed a little bit.

School was terrible... Every 10 minutes someone was saying something to me about what happened. It was so fucking stupid. At lunch Melo and Will acted like they didn't even know who I was, which kind of hurt a little bit. It hurt that Will wont even believe me. I went upstairs right away after school. I changed into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. I sat on my bed and started to draw a little bit. I looked out the window about 20 minutes later and saw Will outside shooting hoops, alone. I got up and set my notebook down. I went downstairs and outside. I looked over at Will and took a deep breath. I went over to him and tapped his shoulder as he was dribbling the ball. "Yeah?" he turned around and saw it was me and his smile faded away. "What do you want?" he asked.
"To talk about what happened," I sighed, "For real."
"What do you mean? You kissed my best friend," he laughed.
"No your best friend kissed me," I looked at him, "I kissed back but only because yeah maybe I still did have feelings for LaMelo, he was my first real boyfriend. But I'm over him and I know that because of that kiss. The kiss meant nothing," I sighed, "Our's mean everything."
"Yeah bullshit," he laughed, "You just tryna get a dude. You cant be single for more than a week."
"Why you being such an asshole?!" I looked at him, "What the hell happened to you?!"
"How do you think I feel!?" he looked at me, "The first girl I gave my all too kissed my best friend. No matter who kissed who first you just admitted to kissing back!"
"Yeah but I haven't ever lied to you Will!" I looked at him, "Melo has been lying to you since it happened! He lied to me for how long?! And you're still going to trust him!?"
"He's my best friend," He told me, "I've been friends with him for a long time. You're just some new girl."
"Glad to know where I stand in your life when you mean the whole fucking world to me Will," I sighed and walked away...

*Will's POV*

"Glad to know where I stand in your life when you mean the whole fucking world to me Will," she told me as she walked away from me. I sighed. All I wanted to do was grab her and pull her back and kiss her... She means the world to me too... Melo just... He is my best friend and I mean she means so much to me but he is my best friend. I don't know if I want to lose my best friend over a girl. It's just some high school crush, right? I don't know. She slammed the door behind her, god she's so feisty. I love that. Love? What the hell? Like. I like that about her... Not love... Not love...

I went up to my room and sat on my bed. I got my phone out and went to Melo's contact.

Aye so Rosalie talked to me earlier. Did you really lie about everything?

What you mean?

You kissed her but she kissed back.

Yeah she kissed back.

Yeah. Why did you say she kissed you?

Cause you and her don't need to be together...

Why not? You want her? You ruined it with her... I'm sorry dude but I don't think either of us are going to have her.

Whatever you say.

I clicked away from his name and went to Rosalie's contact. I took a deep breath and texted her.

I'm sorry for what I said. I forgive you.


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