So We Are

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*Rosalie's POV*

My alarm went off the next morning for school. I groaned a little bit and turned it off. I stood up and rubbed my eyes. I got my outfit picked out and laid it out on the bed. I started on my makeup and my hair. Once I finished that I got dressed and got my bag together for school.

I went downstairs and Chase was awake, making breakfast

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I went downstairs and Chase was awake, making breakfast. I yawned and sat down at the table. "You excited for school?" he asked.
"Kind of," I shrugged a little bit, "Nervous about making new friends cause LaMelo and Will are going to be a grade ahead of me," I shrugged a bit.
"You'll have August," he smiled at me.
"I know," I nodded and smiled at him. August came down dressed and ready to go to school. He sat down next to me and Chase handed us our plates of food. I started to eat my food and as did August.

Once we got to school we both went to the office. We got our schedule and locker combination. We both walked to our lockers, which were right next to each other. "Have you seen Melo yet?" he asked me.
"Not yet," I shook my head. We put our bags and stuff in our locker and I got my books out for the first hour. "What's your first hour?" I asked him.
"Math," he told me.
"No," I looked at him, "I have History, Biology, Math, Lunch, then I have English, Art, and then life class."
"I have Math, gym, English, lunch, Science, history, and life class."
"That is not fair," I sighed, getting more worried. In our old school we had every class together. "Hey!" I heard LaMelo come over and he gave August a bro hug and then smiled at me. He hugged me and I hugged back right away. He pulled away and smiled at me. "So how y'all doing?" he asked, "What's your classes?" Melo asked.
"Only one class together," I sighed, "I've never not been in the same class as August."
"For real?" Melo asked.
"Yeah," August nodded, "But it's ight."
"Yeah," I shrugged a little bit. The bell rang and we all split up. I found my class and went in behind the rest of the people. "You must be the new girl," the teacher smiled at me.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Rosalie," I told her.
"Beautiful name," she smiled and looked out at all the students, "Go take a seat by Miah, raise your hand." A petite girl with super curly hair waved her hand in the air with a welcoming smile. I waked over to her and sat down in the desk next to hers. "I'm Miah," she told me, smiling.
"I'm Rosalie," I smiled at her. The class started and I started to take notes about it. After she as done teaching we had 5 minutes free to talk around. "So where are you from?" she asked.
"I'm from Michigan," I nodded.
"Oh wow," she replied, "So what other classes do you have?" I showed her my schedule. "I have the same schedule," she laughed.
"Really?" I smiled at her, "Thank god cause my brother and I only have life class together."
"You have a brother?" she asked.
"A twin," I nodded.
"Oh wow," she smiled, "That's cool."
"Yeah it is," I smiled at her.

At lunch I followed Miah to her table. August found me and sat down next to me. "I see you made a friend," he told me.
"This is Miah, Miah this is August," I introduced them. She smiled over at him, and he smiled back. LaMelo and Will sat down at our table as well. Miah looked at me pretty shocked. "What?" I laughed. She leaned over and whispered to me, "That's LaMelo."
"I know," I whispered back, laughing.
"He is really popular," she told me. I shrugged it off and smiled over at LaMelo. "How your classes going babe?" he asked me.
"Alright, Miah is there so that's a plus," I smiled small.
"That's good," he nodded, "You have trouble with anyone tell me." he acted all tough. laughed and nodded. "Okay," I laughed. We all started talking and eating our lunch. Melo kept flirting with me and calling me "babe". Miah was really shocked because I guess LaMelo was really popular, not just at school but on social media.

After school was over I got my stuff together and August and I walked out to the parking lot of the school. Will was going to give us a ride home. Miah lives on the same street as we do but she lives all the way down the road. Will met us by his car and we got in and he started driving back to the house. "So how was your first day?" Will asked me.
"Wasn't too bad," I giggled, "Made a friend."
"Mine was good too," August laughed.
"No one cares," I laughed, looking back at August. He stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed harder. Will laughed as well. He dropped us off at our house. "I'll bring you guys to school tomorrow?" Will asked us.
"That would be great," August laughed, getting out.
"Fine by me," I smiled at him, "Thanks for the ride." I shut the door and he drove into his drive way. August and I went inside our house. I got a text on my phone and saw it was from Melo.

Everyone been asking if we together. 😂

What are you telling them? 😂

Are we together?

I don't know. 😩

Maybe we should be. 😉

Maybe we should be🤷🏽‍♀️😉

So we are? 😘

So we are. 😘


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