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*Rosalie's POV*

The last couple weeks Melo and I were doing really good. He was a really good boyfriend. He took me out on dates, bought me flowers. He was just everything I've wanted in a boyfriend. Will and I are really close friends and we get along really well.

"LaMelo!!" I screamed, laughing really hard. Melo held me down on the bed and continued to tickle at my sides. I laughed harder and tried to fight him off of me. "I'm going to pee!!" I laughed hard.
"Ew!" He laughed and rolled off of me. I straddled his lap and pinned his arms above his head. "Just kidding," I giggled, smiling sweetly down at him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. "You lyin ass," he laughed. I smiled sweetly at him and gave him a few kisses on his lips. "C'mon I have practice," I giggled, getting off his lap and off the bed. I got my duffel bag of the ground and changed into my spandex Nike sports and a tee shirt. I put on my shoes and put my hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs and Melo and I went out to his car. He drove me to he school, where I had volleyball practice. Melo walked in with me and I sat my bag on the bleachers. I put my knee pads on and started practicing. Melo walked out, I figured he had to go to the bathroom. Not more than 5 minutes later one of the girls asked to go to the bathroom. I didn't really think anything about it and I just continued our practice drills.

*LaMelo's POV*

I nodded toward the hallway at Ashley and walked out to the hallway. I leaned back on the wall and waited for her to come out. A few moments later she jogged over to me. I pinned her against the wall and pressed my lips against hers. "Mmm I missed you," I mumbled into our make out session. I pulled away after a second and licked my bottom lip. "Baby come over I miss you," she pouted at me, "Forget Rosalie. Please." Her finger trailed down my torso and I bit at my lip watching her finger. "Alright, I'll see you after practice," I gave in. She giggled and jogged back to the gym. I went back after she did and took a seat in the bleachers again. I watched as they practiced and pretended to text on my phone. Once Rosalie came over to get a drink I set my phone down. "Hey babe after practice I have to drop you off at home, my dad said I we have some thing to go to or do," I lied to her.
"Oh okay that's fine," she smiled at me. She gave me a kiss on my lips and went back to practice. Ashley winked at me as she walked back to the floor as well.

I dropped Rosalie off at her house and drove to Ashley's house. Once I got there I went up to her room right away. She was waiting for me in a bra and panties... God damn this girl drives me crazy.

*Rosalie's POV*

I threw the basketball back at Will and laughed a little bit. "How was practice?" he asked, shooting the basketball in the hoop.
"It was fun," I threw the ball back to him, "I'm excited for our game."
"When is it again?" he shot the basketball again and I threw it back to him.
"It's on Wednesday, it's a home game," I nodded.
"I'll be there," he nodded and looked behind him as Melo pulled up. I was a little confused. I thought he had something to do? Melo got out of the car and looked at me just as confused. "What are you doing here babe?" he asked.
"What are you doing here?" I laughed, "I thought you had something to do till later?"
"It ended early," he hesitated.
"Okay?" I shrugged a little bit.
"Aye lets go talk in private quick ight?" Melo asked Will.
"Sure," Will threw the ball at me, "I'll be right back." They both walked inside his house. I was curious. I stood by the door and pressed my ear against it. I could kind of hear them but it wasn't super clear. "I just... Ashley," I heard Melo start.
"...Dating her...." Will answered. I couldn't hear every word they said but I could make out a few of them.
"...give me sex... Ashely... though," I think I'm getting what he is saying. He had sex... with Ashley. I dropped the ball and ran back to my house. I shut the door behind me and jogged upstairs, ignoring everyone else. I shut my door and slid down it as tears fell down from my eyes. I used my hands to cover my face as the tears just kept flooding out....

*Will's POV*

"I just has sex with Ashley," Melo laughed a little.
"But you're dating her?" I looked at him, shaking my head.
"Yeah well she doesn't give me sex, Ashley does though," he shrugged.
"Relationships aren't about sex though LaMelo," I laughed.
"To me they are Romeo," he rolled his eyes laughing.
"What if Rosalie finds out?" I crossed my arms.
"She will be ight. It was never serious anyways," he shook his head, "We are teenagers. Relationships are never serious."
"Okay dude," I laughed and walked out of the door. The basketball was bouncing on the ground and I looked over at Rosalie's house and saw the door slam behind her. "I think it's serious to her," I looked over at Melo.

Melo, Melo, Melo....

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