Chapter 4 - Darkness and Hope

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Yo guys! Here's another update from me, hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reviewing my story! I'm not worthy! And a thank you for reviewers that reviewed my other chapters! Thank you!

Also, Shoto will get a special rare skill like Kirito's, It's still in consideration, so please be patient. Seeing as magic are restricted in this game, I must choose wisely, hope you understand.

This chapter will be focus on Shoto. And I decided to make a female OC, I hope you all don't mind! And also, our heroes shall meet Sachi and her party for the first time! Enough spoiler! On to the story!

(Opening theme)



"Hey Kazu! Let's go and pull a prank on Mr. Kobayashi again!" A young spiky blond haired kid said. He wore a red shirt with a dragon symbol and black pants.

"I don't know... Didn't we get caught the last time we tried that?" A black-haired kid, Kazuto, said, wearing a blue shirt and a white pant. "Let's just go and play something else Sai..."

The blond haired kid, Saito, shook his head. "Pfft! Boring! Fine... let's go and play a video game I just bought!"

"Okay... but I have kendo practice later..."

"Just ditch it! Come on!"

"W-wait! Stop puling me!"

"Where are you two going?" A black haired girl asked, walking towards them, she wear a kendo practice uniform, and carrying a small boken that fit her size.

"Oh, hey Sugu..." Saito said.

"Your not planning to ditch, are you brother?" The girl asked.


"He is! He's not some slave to be forced to learn swords, you know?" Saito said.

Before the dark haired girl could argue, Kazuto cut her off. "I-I'll be there... Let's play again sometime Saito..." With that, Kazuto took off running, leaving the other two behind.

"Kazu..." Saito whispered, watching his friend run away.


Floor 16: Swamp of lost.

Shoto opened his eyes as he stood up and looked around. His surroundings were filled by mist, the sound of frogs and other swamp animals were heard. "You awake?" Shoto looks toward the source to find Kirito, sitting by the fire sharpening his sword with a whetstone. "Bad dream?"

Right now, the two of them were in a swamp area with their vision covered by fog, thus the name of the area, the two of them were now camped near a big swampy looking tree.

Shoto shook his head. "Nah... I just remember the day I ask you to ditch your kendo practice for the first time... You ran home in fear of your grandpa being mad at you." Shoto said in a teasing tone.

Kirito's face went a little red. "Shuddup! It was a long time ago!"

"And you still look like a girl till now."

"What was that? Big talk coming from the guy who scored bad on almost every test at that time."

"Ugh!?" Now it was Shoto's turn to go red. "I-I just didn't like reading books back then, okay?"




"Cry baby!"

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