Chapter 9 - New Swords and New Feelings

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Hey guys! Here it is, the next chapter I promised! Now I want to thank everybody who reads and espcialy review my story, I hope you all continue to read my story and review!

Without further ado, lets begin!

(Opening Theme)



Floor 48: Lindus

Lizbeth's Smith Shop

*Shriiiing* *Shriiiing*

"This one's done." A pink hair girl said with a smile, her pink eyes watch the sharpened sword with great perception. She then walked towards her client, the vice leader of the Blood Oath Knights, Asuna.

"Thank you Liz." Asuna said hopping down from where she's sitting waiting for her sword to be sharpened. She gave Lizbeth, or Liz for short, some money and took her sword.

"Anytime." Liz replied pocketing the money. "You aren't on the frontline with your guild today?" She asked. Liz wore a purple dress with white color in the chest area, a purple skirt underneath a white black smith apron.

Asuna thought for a second, before answering. "I took a day off, I promised to meet some people today." Asuna said.

Liz blinked, then she noticed the earring Asuna wore, it's crystal was purple and quite pretty. Liz grinned an all knowing grin and her face got way too close for Asuna's comfort. "I see, I see..."

"You see what?" Asuna asked her grinning friend.

"Are you sure it's 'people'? Not someone?" Liz asked still grinning.

"W-what do you mean?" Asuna asked confused, but before Liz could said anything else, the bell of the town was heard.

"Ah! I gotta hurry!" Asuna said running to the door.

"So you've found people precious to you, huh?" Lizbeth whispered.

"Huh?" Asuna stop and looked at her friend. "You say something?"

"Nope, its nothing. Good luck with your date." Liz said, waving her hand.

"Hah?! Its not like that!" Asuna said blushing a little. "Anyway, see you later."

Lizbeth smiled watching her friend leave, she then look at a photo of four people, three of them were adult male and one girl with pink hair. "I wonder If I'll find someone too..." She whispered.



Lizbeth's Smith Shop

"Well this one's not too shabby." Lizbeth said looking at the sword she just forged. When she heard the sound of her shop door opening, she drop the sword. "Handling customers is also part of my job." Liz said un-equiping her gloves, and looked at the mirror. "All right!" Liz said after confirming her looks, then she walked upstairs to her shop.

Liz opened the door to her shop, the sight of many weapons greeted her, although she was already used to it since she's the one who made them.

"Welcome to Lizbeth's Smith Shop!" Liz said with her 'Customer Smile', but then she noticed her customers doesn't seem to hear her, one of them wear lots of black and the other red-orange.

"...What about this one?" Kirito asked.

"Nah, I prefer a heavy one, this one seems too light." Shoto answered. "Something even better than the my old one."

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