Chapter 14 - Yui

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here. Okay, the chapter that so many of you have been eagerly awaiting is already here! I hope that the reactions recorded here are what you were hoping for, because personally, I find them pretty funny.

Oh, one last thing! I recommend watching Crossing Field by NateWantsToBattle on Youtube before you read each chapter, because I do, and it really helps set the mood.


(Opening Theme)



Floor 22

After hearing that Kirito and Asuna have found a little girl in the forest, Shoto rushed to their house to check it out. Once he got there, the duo told him what happened early that day and how they found the girl in the forest.

Right now the trio are watching the girl lying unconscious on the bed. She had long flowing black hair and a adorable face.

"So you saying that this girl isn't a player?" Shoto asked, as he crossed his arms and looked at the girl.

"Well, one thing's for sure. Since we were able to move her here, she can't be an NPC" Kirito said, looking at the girl.

"That's true....We didn't have any trouble moving her here." Asuna said "She would've giving off a warning when Kirito picked her up."

"And she isn't a quest giver, either. If she were, our quest log would have updated. Which means she's a player. At least, a player is the most scenario." Kirito said.

"But what was she doing out there?" Shoto asked, leaning on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know what's going on, but maybe she has a parent or guardian?" Kirito said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, she must've logged in with her family, right? I hope they're safe." Asuna said, before looking at the two boys. "Hey, she'll wake up, right?"

"Yeah, if her body hasn't disappeared, than signals are being transmitted to and from her NerveGear. I think it's a state similar to sleep. So I'm sure she'll wake up eventually." Kirito said.

"Yeah." Asuna nodded, leaning on his shoulder.

"Well, when she does wake up, call me. I'll be on the couch." Shoto said, as he stood up and walked towards the door. "Night guys."

"Night." Kirito and Asuna told him before Shoto walked out the room and closed the door.



Night Time

Kirito and Asuna were sleeping with each other in the same bed. Shoto was asleep downstairs, but the little girl still hasn't woke up yet. The only person was wide awake was Asuna.

"Hey, Kirito?" Asuna said, as she turned her head to see he was still asleep. Asuna got up and looked at Kirito. "Honestly." She sighed.

Looking over at the girl, Asuna got up from the bed and sat next to the little girl. She then reached down and touched the girl's cheek.

'If...if she entered SAO all alone...if she's been alone in this world this long...' Asuna thought, as she got into the little girl's bed.

"Goodnight. I hope you wake up tomorrow." Asuna said, closing her eyes as she went to sleep and touching her cheek with the girl's.

Little did Asuna know, a small smile appeared on the little girl's face.


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