Chapter 10 - The Dance of Swords

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Hello again! I'm back with more chapters!

For all the support and reviews you all gave me! It really means a lot. But we'll talk about it later, anyway, on to the story!

(Opening Theme)



Real world

The Hisaki group, a highly influence group that both respected and feared. The Hisaki were involved in many things like education, technology, medicine, and so on. One of the richest groups in Japan, and there was even a rumor that the Hisaki group involved in the underworld.

After the accident of nerve gear started, hospitals all over Japan were flooded with patients and the goverment quickly acted and helped support the victims of the games.

One year had passed...

Many people had given up, including the goverment, but not the Hisaki.

They transfered most of the patients to the Hisaki hospital, helping them with the latest technology.

Even so, all they could do now was wait and hope that the patients would wake up.

10 months had passed...


Hisaki Hospital

A black haired girl wearing a school uniform looked at the huge white building in front of her, even though she had entered the building so many times, it still impressed her. She quickly shook her head, and headed inside the building.

"Ah! Suguha-chan, here to see your brother and Hisaki-sama again?" asked the female receptionist inside the building.

The girl, who was known as Suguha, smiled at her. "Yes I am."

The receptionist smiled. "Well then, you can go ahead."

With a nod, Suguha went to her brother and best friend's room, there weren't many people in the hallway, yet she still saw security guards everywhere, while nurses and doctors were walking here and there.

Suguha walked into the elevator. As the elevator doors opened, waiting for people to get out, she then entered and pressed the floor button. With a 'Ping', the elevator doors closed.

She was alone in the elevator, the sound of the elevator music filled her ears. 'How long has it been? Since that incident...' She thought to herself, but cut off when the elevator doors slid open, she quickly exit when knowing that this was her destination floor. She fast walked through the hallway, nodding to the two securities who were guarding the hallway. Unlike the previous floor, this one had almost no visitors, only a few doctors, nurses, and many guards guarding this floor. Considering the patient, she understood.

Suguha stopped at a door with two guards guarding it and they nodded to her. Knowing that she had been here so many times, most of the guards knew her already, she entered the room with a nod of appreciation to the guards.

"Ah, Suguha-sama, how do you do?" A kind looking old man asked, wearing butler attire, sitting between the patients' beds.

"Hello, Robert-san." Suguha greeted the old man.

Robert chuckled. "Respectful as always Suguha-sama."

Suguha smiled, then she took a seat beside Robert, looking at the two patients. "They look so peaceful..." She whispered.

"Indeed." Robert looked sadly at the sleeping form of his young master.

Silence filled the room. "Umm... Robert-san." Suguha began, trying to break the silence. "Is it really okay for my brother to be in the same room as Saito-kun?"

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