Chapter 5 - The Red Nosed Reindeer

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Yo, guys! I'm back with an all new chapter for you! Thank you all for the review! *Sob* *Sob* I just can't believe my eyes... Thank you all once again! 

Now, let me explain a bit, 'Hero Skill', is a skill that only those who meet the requirements can recieve, and they need a trigger event, like Shoto with Claire, to even get the chance to learn the skill. And if the players were to break one of the requirements, the skill would dissapear, forever.

Anyway, this chapter is the chap what you Sachi fans been waiting for! I'll try to balance both Shoto and Kirito role, so I hope you guys like this chapter!

 By the way, got any advice for this fic cover?

(Opening Theme)



Floor 11: Taft

"Here's to us! The Moonlit Black Cats! Cheers!"


A group of five people cheered at a large table, raising their silver cups.

"And here's to Kirito-san and Shoto-san, the two people who saved our lives! Cheers!" One of the five people, a blond hair male, wearing a black beanie, orange cloak, gray armor, yellow shirt and brown pants said.


"C-cheers.." Kirito said awkwardly, a little not used of being with many people. Right now, our two heroes were at a small tavern in the town, cheering with the group of five people they saved at the forest a moment ago.

"..." Shoto, who was sitting beside Kirito, only stayed silent as he had his head on the table.

"You two saved us!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you."

"Thank you so much!"

"Oh, it was nothing." Kirito said, waving his hand.

" I was really scared." The female of the five people said, she had black hair, green eyes, and she wore a blue armor with a light blue clothing inside, she also wore long white gloves and a blue skirt. "Then when you two came and saved me, I was really glad." The girl said, wiping some of her tears from her left eye.


"Um... Kirito-san, I know this is really rude to ask, but what level are you two at?" One of the five people asked, this one was a redish brown haired male, wearing a full set iron armor with crimson shirt inside and black pants.

Kirito looked away. "We're level 20 or so." He then looked at his HP bar and saw the word 'LV 40' under his health bar.

"Hee... That isn't too far from us, its really amazing that its only you two."

"Keita, you don't need to be so polite, the two of us can't really target many many enemies at once, that's why we usualy hunt small groups of enemies or isolated enemies, it isn't that efficient." Kirito said to the male, now identified as Keita.

"Oh... oh I see... by the way... what happened to your friend? He hasn't spoken or moved since we got here."

Kirito and the rest of the people looked at Shoto. "Hey... are you okay? You've been silent since we arrived and I'm getting worried." Kirito said, knowing his hyper friend can't just stay there doing nothing in one place for too long, and this was long enough. "Shoto?"

"Uhm... Leave me alone..." Shoto said.

"Don't tell me you're still upset about that 'jumping from hill and crashed into a pond' incident?" Kirito asked.

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