Chapter 3 - Rise of the Beaters

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Yo guys! Here's your next update! Also, for the pairing, many people seem to suggest a ShotoX Leafa, ShotoXSinon and KiritoXAsuna, it's not a problem to me, but... i could also do a 'Harem' if you guys want it...until I'm VERY sure (Which I am) of which girl will end up with Shoto... Or i can do a harem... Anyway, my biggest thanks to:

Thank you all for reviewing!

Now, for the 'Twilight robe' description, now, it seem I miss named it robe, instead of coat.. I'm really sorry about that, my bad. it looks almost like Kirito Mid-night coat, but the color are darkish orange, with crimson lining on the arms and lower back, all in all, it's a brighter version of Kirito's soon to be coat, both items had different effect, so not to worry. And i hope you all forgive my mistake.

Oh yeah, about Claire, yes, she's an NPC, also the reason the NPC are so advance are because its SAO, and advance rpg game, in the anime the NPC doesn't get much spot light, so I gave them some! Beside, its more interesting like this right?

Anyway, enough of my ranting! Story time!



It's been one month since the game began, during that time, two thousand people have died. But, no one has yet been able to clear the first floor. Even we, as beta testers, haven't found the first floor boss room. And today, we're finally holding a meeting on how to defeat the first floor boss.

(Opening Theme)


Floor 1: Meeting place.

"Okay, let's get started people!" A man yell out in a stage like place. The meeting place are like a theater place, with row of seats circling a stage like place in the middle.

Kirito and Shoto were now sitting down, the two of them were still wearing their usual clothes with an iron breast-plate.

"Thank you for coming today." A blue hair person said gratefully, he wore a blue shirt with white lining and a brown iron armor. "My name is Diabel, I like to consider my 'job' as knight."

Everyone who attended all laughed.

"There's no job system in this game!"

"Then is this meeting a joke too?"

"You should take this seriously!"

Diabel tried to calm the crowd down, but it was no use, he sighed and changed his expression into a serious one. "Today." He began, finally silencing everyone. "Our party found the boss room at the top of the tower." Now that gained their attention. "We need to defeat the boss to reach the second floor, and tell everyone in the town of beginnings, that it is possible to beat this game! Everyone present here share this duty! Don't you all agree?"

Everyone started to nod at each other, and one by one they all begin to clap their hands. Shoto and Kirito smiled as they looked on.

"Alright, then let us begin our planning. First, divide into a party of six, an ordinary party stands no chance against a boss, we need to form a raid groups using multiple parties."

Kirito sighed in relief, glad that he had at least one friend in this meeting, seeing as he doesn't really have many.

"Hey Kirito." Shoto called. "That person is alone." He said as he pointed towards a red hooded character left of Kirito. "Let's ask that person to join us."

Kirito nodded, knowing the pain of being left out. The two of them stood up, and walked towards the figure and sat down near the person.

"Hey, you got lefted out?" Kirito asked.

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