Chapter 23 - General of the Blazing Flame

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. Okay guys, I think it's time for another round of action! I hope you're all fired up, because I sure am!

Opening Theme - No Game No Life



*Let's Continue where we left off last time*

Shoto, Kirito, Haru and Leafa all shot pass the monsters in front of them, before they all saw a light up ahead in the distance.

"There's the exit!" Kirito called out.

"We're almost there!" Shoto said with a grin.

Leafa and Haru started panicking as they shot towards the light. After leaving the cave. They all launched up in the sky, before Kirito and Shoto's wings appeared. Leafa and Haru let go of the boys' hand's just as their own wings appeared. Taking a deep breath, Leafa looked back to see most of the monsters falling down the cliff.

"What's wrong with you two!?" Haru exclaimed.

"That took years off my life!" Leafa shouted.

"It saved time." Kirito said with a laugh.

"Honestly..." Leafa mumbled, before the group saw the World Tree just up ahead.

"So, where will the peace talk be taking place?" Shoto asked.

"Hmm... Let's see." Leafa said, opening the menu and clicked on the map menu. "To the northwest, inside that mountain." 

"How much time do we have left?" Kirito said

"Twenty minutes." Haru said with narrowed eyes.

"I hope we make it!" Kirito said, gritting his teeth.

"Then let's kick it into high gear!" Shoto said, before the group started flying faster to the location.



Butterfly Valley, Neutral Territory*

The four of them were still flying to the location, though it was taking a lot of time.

"I don't know if we'll make it there before the Salamanders." Kirito said.

"Yeah. Even if we can warn them, we'll either barely get the leader out, or all die together in battle." Leafa agreed.

"Who cares? As long as we make even the slightest difference, I'll take it." Shoto said.

"Player signals. A group of sixty-eight players is ahead. That's probably the Salamander attack force." Yui said

"Damn!" Haru cursed angrily.

When they flew past the clouds, they managed to see the Salamander's force.

"Fourteen more are up ahead. Most likely the Sylph and Cait Sith diplomats. Fifty seconds until they make contact." Yui said.

"We didn't make it in time. Thank you, Kirito and Sonic. This is far enough. You two go to the World Tree. Haru and I are going to save Sakuya. It wasn't for long, but it was fun. I hope we meet again!" Leafa said with a smile.

"Running away isn't really our style." Kirito said.

"Huh?" Leafa said, surprised at that.

"Yeah, I've never gotten into a fight I couldn't finish." Shoto said. "I'll be damned if I start today."

"Typical." Haru sighed with a smile.



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