Chapter 12 - Crimson Bloodthirst

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Yo guys! Firestorm40 here. Here is the duel that you've all been waiting for! Kirito vs. Heathcliff! Shoto vs. Raphael! Will Asuna be set free? Or will the Moonlit Black Cats be absorbed into the Knights of the Blood-Oath?

This is one of the longest chapters that I have ever written for this story I hope you all enjoy it!

(Opening theme)



Real World

Something was weird, that's what Suguha concluded.

Just like her routine, she went and visited the Hisaki hospital which held both Shoto and her brother Kazuto, carrying a small bouquet of flowers that she bought on the way to the place.

But when she entered the vicinity and gave a nodding greeting to the reception, she noticed something different.

The atmosphere was different than usual.

The more she walked towards the room of Kazuto and Saito, the more she noticed something else as well. It's something that she, the person who visited weekly, would noticed if she looked around.

There were more guards than usual.

She could see some guards that she remembered, but there were now more guards here than any other day, and for some reason they were all tense, as if ready to jump any suspicious person they could spot.

That truthfully made her nervous since there weren't any people here passing by in the first place and she silently regretted coming here more early than usual.

After awkwardly walking through the hall while ignoring all the guards around her, she arrived at her destination.

But the two guards that usually guard the room weren't there, in their place were a pair of weir-Er, unique looking males.

One of the male is a black colored hair that seems to defy gravity, wearing a full black suit that the other guards seem to wear. But what caught her attention was that he wore a face mask that covered half of his face.

He seems to read a blue book that her male classmate sometime brings.

The other one had brown straight hair; he too wore the same suit as the other one. What made him strange was that that he looked incredibly flamboyant. 

Of course, the two males noticed the girl as she seem to stand there and stare at them for a minute or so.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The black haired color male asked with a bored tone. His eye stares at the surprised form of the girl. "You lost?"

"Melzez! That is not the way to greet such a young woman! Those bored tones of yours are not manly at all!" The brown haired one said, his voice is as loud as he looks.

"Keep your voice down, Ren. We're in the hospital." Melzez retorted calmly, still with a bored tone.

For some reason, Ren seemed to clench his fist in anger. "Ugh! Such hip retorts! You are indeed manly enough to be my rival!"

"I said keep it down."

Suguha sweatdrop as the two seems to bicker and ignored her existence. If it wasn't for the fact that she needed to enter the door behind them, she would've left the two of them alone.

"Excuse me..." She began saying, but the two didn't seem to hear her. "Excuse me!" She said more loudly. The two stopped and stared at her, making the black haired girl more nervous than she already was. "I-My name is Suguha Kirigaya, I-I'm the sister of Kazuto Kirigaya and the friend of Saito Hisaki! A-And I've come here to visit them!"

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