Chapter 16 - At the Gates of Hell

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Yo guys! Firestorm40 here. All right, get ready, because this is the second-to-last chapter for this arc, and I'm releasing the second part here in a few minutes! I am so stoked to hear what you guys think of the end of the Aincrad saga! Be sure to leave a review when you're done reading- and thanks for votes and comments as well!

(Opening Theme: Crossing Field - NateWantsToBattle)


 A week had passed after they had rescued Yui when it happened. The little girl spent a couple of nights with Kirito and Asuna, but she usually spent the night with Shoto in the apartment while he slept on the couch. Whenever she asked why, Shoto would tell her than her parents stayed up later than she did, and she wouldn't be able to sleep if they were still up. Of course he didn't mention why they would be up that late.

But one of the mornings when Yui had spent the night with her parents, Shoto woke up to a message from Kirito. It said, 'Fishing tournament-type event happening in an hour? Wanna come and watch?' Seeing that he had nothing better to do anyways, the blonde decided to go down.



Floor 22 - Lake Outside Coral City

When they made it to the lake near to the house, the pair was surprised to see a crowd gathered around the lake. "All of this for a fishing tournament?" Shoto mumbled as he looked around, his hands behind his head. "Seems like a bit much it you ask me."

"Uncle Shoto!" a young voice called out from near the lakeshore. The blonde smiled as he approached Yui, who was holding onto Asuna's hand. Shoto was surprised to see that her face and hair were hidden by a makeshift shawl, but he could guess as to why.

"Is Miss Lighting Flash worried about all of your fans?" Shoto whispered teasingly as he hugged the girl in greeting.

"Shut up," she hissed, but she couldn't keep from smiling. Shoto then bent down to pick Yui up and set her on his shoulders. 

"So, what's going on here?" Shoto asked as he looked at the dock to see Kirito and an older gentleman carrying a fishing pole three times his size step up to the edge.

"Oh, Kirito is going to help Mister Nishida catch a fish," Asuna grinned.

"One fish?" Shoto asked with a sidelong glance and a raised eyebrow. "What's so special about it?"

"It's supposed to be monster-sized, according to the guy down there," Asuna shrugged. "Oh, look!" She pointed as the fisherman cast his line, the rod glowing as he activated the skill required to cast such a massive rod. The crowd instantly quieted.

Shoto looked around, bored. "Seriously?" he said in a quiet, bored tone. "I came down for this? I could've been at a 'All you can eat buffet' right now."

"Shh!" Yui reached down and clamped her small hand on her uncle's mouth. "You'll scare of the fish!" she whisper-shouted.

Before Shoto could come up with a muffled response, there was action down on the pier. Nishida shouted something at Kirito and handed the rod to him. Kirito looked down at it for a second, perplexed, and Shoto  didn't blame him. Were they trying to pull a switch with a fishing pole?

He got his answer when Kirito was yanked forward, the rod bending down, hard. The boy in black gritted his teeth and let out his war cry, heaving with all his might. Then, to the surprise of everyone there, he actually began to drag the pole back up, and presumably, the fish along with it.

"Wait, how big did you say that thing was supposed to be?" Shoto asked with a slight frown.

"I dunno," Asuna laughed. "No one's ever- whoa!" Shoto and everyone saw the same thing as her, and they decided to do what everyone else did- make a beeline away from the lake entirely.

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