Chapter 24 - The Truth of Alfheim

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Hey guys, Firestorm40 here! How are you? Hope you're ready for some unexpected goodiness, because that's what I've got in store for everyone! Please enjoy, and as always, I very much look forward to your reviews!

Opening Theme - No Game No Life



Neutral Territory
Central capital, Arun

"Wow!" Haru said in surprise at the sight before her.

"Now that's a city!" Shoto agreed.

Shoto, Kirito, Leafa and Haru had just arrived at Arun. They looked up at all the lights that came from all the buildings in the middle of the night in awe. It was like the whole city was lit up like a Christmas tree.

"It's amazing!" Kirito said.

"Yeah, this is Arun! The center of ALfheim, the biggest city in the world." Leafa said smiling.

"I've never been in such a place like this before!" Yui said looking around in awe.

"Me neither. It's such an amazing sight even looking from here," Haru said looking at the sight amazed.

"I wouldn't mind coming back here later on." Shoto said with a grin.

Suddenly, they all heard the announcement on the speaker that was located on the tallest buildings.

"Attention, players! The server will be down today, 22nd of January, from 4 AM to 7 AM for scheduled maintenance. Players are asked to log out ten minutes in advance. Repeat: The server will be done, January 22."

Hearing the announcement, the group then let out a sigh.

"So, that's all for today huh? From 4 AM to 7 AM..." said Leafa looking at the other three.

Kirito looked at the World Tree intently. "Yeah..." He muttered.

"Well, let's find an inn to rest" Haru proposed stretching her body.

"As long as it's nowhere too pricey." Shoto said. "I kinda blew most of my money."

"That's because you two were showing off by giving nearly all of it to Sakuya. You should have saved your money for an inn." Haru smirked at him.

"Yeah, you're right." Shoto said, sheepishly.

"Ok then... Yui, can you find the cheapest inn here?" Leafa asked looking at Yui, who is sitting on Kirito's shoulder.

Yui looked around for a while and pointed at one inn. "There. That inn is super cheap." She said. 

"S-super cheap huh?" asked Leafa sweatdropping. 

"Well, we don't have much time." Kirito said, before walking into the city. "Let's go."

"Right behind you." Haru said, as she and Shoto followed him.

"No need to tell me twice." Shoto said, with a yawn.

"Ah, wait, you guys..." Leafa said, running to catch up with them. Suddenly, she stopped and looked up at the sky.



World Tree

After escaping from the birdcage, Asuna was now running through a path on one of the branches, until she found a metal door on the body of the tree. 

"An opening..." she muttered, before she ran towards it. Once she made it to the door, she placed her hand on a red panel, as it glowed green and the door opened. 

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