Chapter 13 - Shoto's Solo Day

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. This one will mainly focus on Shoto, while Kirito and Asuna are out on their honeymoon as he meets another player. Enjoy!



After killing Godfree, Kuradeel turned his attention to Shoto and Kirito before he started walking towards them.

"Because of punks like you two, I ended up having to kill an innocent person." Kuradeel said, with faux concern. 

"You bastard..." Kirito snarled, trying in vain to move past the effects of the poison. 

"You joined a murder guild, huh? Makes sense, actually..." Shoto growled, as he couldn't move either.

"Yes, that's how I got the skills to paralyze you bastards, and how I'm going to kill you," Kuradeel giggled, his eyes wide with dark pleasure. "I think I'll kill the black-haired one. You can have the blond. Sound good, Ned?"

"I like that idea!" Ned said cheerfully, as though someone had asked a little boy if he wanted some pizza or ice cream. "It might actually be better than my game where they both kill each other to try and survive! Oh, but we'd better get this done soon, or the poison will wear off. We can't have that!"

And he moved closer to Shoto, even as Kuradeel moved to kill Kirito. They both giggled even louder as the two boys tried in vain to move. Kuradeel stabbed Kirito in the leg first, causing the Black Swordsman to grunt in pain.

"Kirito!" Shoto cried out. 'Damn it, why isn't the poison wearing off!?'

Giggling, Ned went over to Shoto and stabbed him in the chest, causing the Yellow Fang to also grunt in pain. 

"Well, how does it feel?! What's it like being in the brink of death? Come on, feel free to share!" Ned said, giggling even more.

Kirito and Shoto looked and saw their HP were now moving in the orange zone.

"I'm not dying like this!" Shoto said, as he grabbed Ned's sword and tried to pull it out of his chest.

'Are... Are Shoto and I going to die like this?' Kirito thought.

"Hey, come on! Say something! You're really gonna die!" Kuradeel said, moving the sword around.

He then took out the sword from Kirito's thigh and stabbed him in the stomach. As Kirito's HP was now within the red zone, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Don't give up hope, Ki! You gotta fight this! Are you really going to roll over and leave Asuna!?" Shoto exclaimed, still struggling to pull out Ned's sword.

Soon, Ned took out a knife and stabbed him in the leg. "Maybe you should worry more about yourself, blondie." Ned said, casuing Shoto to glare at him.

Hearing what Shoto said, Kirito's eyes shot opened before he grabbed Kuradeel's sword and tried to take it out of his body.

"Oh, what's this? So you are afraid of dying?" Kuradeel said, a bit surprised.

"Shoto's right. I can't...die just yet!" Kirito said, struggling to pull out the sword.

"Really? That's how it's gonna be!" Kuradeel said, forcing the sword into Kirito's body more while Kirito was trying to take it out.

"Kirito!" Shoto said, before he noticed his HP was also in the red zone too. "Damn it!"

"Die! Die! DIE!!!!" Kuradeel and Ned screamed loudly, unti something was suddenly approaching the group at a rapid rate..

"What the?" Kuradeel said, in shock.

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