Chapter 8 - Warm Heart and the Meaning of Love

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Hello again! I'm back with more chapters! 

For all the support and reviews you all gave me! It really means a lot. But we'll talk about it later, anyway, on to the story!

(Opening Theme)



The unexpected happened, Yoruko's eyes widened, then she stumbled back and turned around, to everyone's horror, a knife was embedded in her back. She then stumbled again, backwards this time, and fell through the window.

"Yoruko!" Kirito cried out as he and Shoto quickly dashed towards her, but it was too late. Her body hit the ground and she shattered into a million pieces.

Kirito quickly scanned the roof to see if the person who threw the weapon was still around, and as luck would have it, he found a hooded figure jumping through the roof.

"Asuna! I'll leave the rest to you!" Kirito said. "Let's go Shoto!"

"Right behind you!" Shoto answered with a grin, after hearing the answer Kirito, along with Shoto, jumped from the window to the roof of the house in front of them.

"Stop!" Asuna screamed at the two, but it was too late as the two had already jumped, now chasing the hooded figure.

With both Kirito's and Shoto's speed, they managed to close the distance between hooded figure and themselves, the figure noticed the duo chasing him/her were catching up, since they seem to have more speed. And so, the figure took out his/her teleportation crystal.

"Damn!" Kirito cursed, he threw three iron needles at the figure, but since they were in the middle of town it bounced back as a purple barrier appeared to protect the murderer.

Shoto, now conscious of their situation, abandoned his plan to throw his knifes at the figure, the hooded figure whispered something to the crystal.

'He's teleporting? But, where to?' Kirito asked himself, but then the bell from the bell tower rung, signaling the beginning of the evening. The figure teleported at exactly the same time as the bell rung.

"Damnit!" Shoto cursed, knowing the figure could be anywhere right now.



Kirito opened the door and entered followed by Shoto to the room where Asuna and Schmidt were left behind.

"You morons! Are you two out of your mind?" Asuna greeted the two males, rapier drawn. After a few seconds she sighed and sheathed her sword. "So? How did it go?" Asuna asked.

Kirito shook his head. "No luck, he teleported away."

"Too bad we're in town, if not..." Shoto whispered "Damnit!" He cursed again punching the nearest unlucky wall.

Kirito clenched his hand. "The inn is protected by the system... We thought it would be safe here... Damnit!" Kirito cursed, agreeing with the blonde, also punching the nearest wall.

"That person wearing the robe was Griselda..." All the occupants looked at Schmidt. "It was Griselda's ghost..." He whimpered trembling in fear. "She's back to take revenge on all of us! A ghost could easily PK within a safe area..."

"It was no ghost." Kirito said. "There must be a logical explanation to these murders within the safe areas... There has to be." Kirito said, trying to reassure himself rather than the others.



Town Center

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