Chapter 22 - The Lugru Corridor

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter. I'm still doing my best to keep up the writing for all of you! Hope you enjoy this new chapter, because I sure did! And be sure to leave a review with thoughts/requests.

Opening Theme - No Game No Life



Neutral Territory
Lugru corridor

Shoto, Kirito, Haru and Leafa were all walking into a dark corridor. Haru said that this will be a good chance for Kirito to use his Night Vision. Kirito nodded his head the began the incantation. After a second, the cave had lit up, so that you could see properly.

"Oh! Now I see even a useless Spriggan was capable of something like this." Leafa said, smirking.

"That's exactly what I said." Haru laughed.

"As I said before, that really hurts." Kirito said with a sigh.

"Yeah, well, Regardless of it, Illusion magic is basically useless in battle" Leafa replied, closing her eyes.

"That doesn't make me feel better at all!" Kirito said, with a tick appearing on his forehead.

"How far until we make it to the next town?" Shoto asked as he held a flame in his hand.

"We should be there in about fifteen minutes," Leafa answered. "Why? Do you have something going on IRL?"

"Nah, just wondering," the Salamander shrugged. With that, they proceed to continue their journey.




As they were walking, Kirito decided to learn some magic. But the magic was all in different languages so he was struggling even to spell it right.

"Why the heck is the incantation need to be on different languages? I probably should just stick with fighting with my sword" Kirito complained.

"If you are complaining about that, then I wonder what you'll do when you learn the high level magic. They are consist of twenty words and more" Leafa said rolling her eyes at Kirito.

"That doesn't make me feel better at all" said Kirito then sighed.

"No complaints" said Leafa strictly. Suddenly, she received a message from Recon.

"Sorry, I got a message... Huh? It's from Recon" said Leafa and opened her mail box.

"Really? What does it say?" Haru asked.

"Knowing him, I think it's nothing, but I'll check anyways..." Leafa said and read aloud, "I was right, be careful. S... Weird, that's it. But what does he mean by 'L'? Sa... Shi... Su...?"

Haru thought about that before realization hit her. "Oh, crap." She muttered.

"What is it?" Shoto asked with a worried frown.

"Uh, it's nothing!" Leafa said as she shut down the message.

Yui suddenly displayed expressions of alarm. "Daddy! Uncle!" Yui gasped. "I'm picking up movement behind us!"

"Monsters?" Kirito asked as he looked behind them.

"Uh-uh," Yui said with a frown. "Players- at least a dozen of them."

"That's a pretty big party," Shoto muttered. "And by the way, told you so."

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Haru said worriedly. "We should hide."

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