Chapter 20 - Sylvein and Captive Queen

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here here and welcome to chapter twenty of Sword Art Online: Legends of Aincrad! This chapter features Shoto and Kirito meeting Recon and a new character, not to mention getting information about the World Tree. On with the story!

(Opening Theme - No Game no Life)



Sylph's territory: Sylvein

After slamming into the wall, Shoto and Kirito both fell down and hit the ground. Leafa walked over to them, as they were sprawled out on the ground.

"Are you guys okay?" Leafa asked, kneeling between them.

"Do we LOOK alright?" Shoto groaned, rubbing his head. "Damn bananas..."

"That was so not cool, Leafa." Kirito said.

"It's okay. I'll heal both of you." Leafa said, putting her hand in front of her before she started to heal them through some magical incantations.

"Wow, so this is magic?" Shoto asked, as and Kirito were both glowing.

"Only Undines can use high-level healing magic. But that's a really important spell, so you should two learn it, too." Leafa said, standing up once she was done healing them.

"So different races get different bounses? What are Spriggans good at?" Kirito said, sitting up.

"Do you know about the Salamanders too?" Shoto asked, also sitting up.

"Well, for the Spriggans, they're good at Treasure hunting and illusion magic, I guess. Neither of those are much use in battle." Leafa told Krito, before looking at Shoto. "As for the Salamanders, you guys are masters at Fire magic, as well being the strongest race when it comes to physical strength."

Shoto grinned widely at that, then looked at Kirito. "You hear that, Ki? Just when I think I'm a master of badassery, the universe believes I can go even further. I'm a gift to the world!" 

"I hate to let you down like this, but the world wants a gift receipt," Kirito replied, standing up before he helped Shoto to his feet.

"No refunds or exchanges- only store credit," Shoto chuckled. "Plus tax."

After that, they both look around the place. To say it was amazing would've been an understatement.

"So this is a Sylph town? It's pretty." Kirito said, looking all over the area.

"Talk about living the life of luxury." Shoto said, folding his arms behind his head.

"I know, right?" Leafa agreed with a smile.

"Leafa!" a girl with pale, blonde hair tied in a bun shouted as she ran up to them. She was a beautiful female with green eyes and a slender body; long eared with jingle bells attached to her hair wearing a green, black and white outfit with long fingerless gloves and thigh highs.

 She was a beautiful female with green eyes and a slender body; long eared with jingle bells attached to her hair wearing a green, black and white outfit with long fingerless gloves and thigh highs

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