Chapter 6 - The Swordsmen, The Assassin, The Tamer

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Hey guys! Here it is! Another update! For those who like Silica, this is the chapter you've been waiting for! Anyway, the hero skill Shoto acquired is not a special skill only he can get, everyone else can get it too, its just never occure to them and they don't know how, Shoto will also achieves his goals with hard work, with or without the hero skill. But still, thanks for reading and reviewing.

Thank you all! I'm so happy! *Sob* *Sob* Anyway, if anyone of you have question, please ask away! Now then, let us begin!

(Opening Theme)



"So? What do you think Kazu?" A young Shoto/Saito asked a young Kirito. "This is the newest RPG this years, its pretty cool."

"Wow..." Kirito/Kazuto said in awe at the very realistic graphic. "It look so real."

Saito shrugged. "Yeah, but we still play it on the game console, I wish there was some kind of game where we enter the game! Wouldn't it be fun?"

Kazuto scratched his head. "But there isn't any game like that."

"I know that, anyway, we should make you an account for this game!"

"But I don't have the game."

"Its fine, you can have mine."


"Pfft, I have a copy, my dad bought me two just in case I lost one." Saito said. "Now, let's make you an account." Saito said as he opened the game official page and signed Kazuto up. "Alright, what name will you use?"

"Uhm... I dunno... Kaze?"

"Kaze? Too simple, besides, I name mine Shoto! Let's see...Oh! How about, Kirito! its from your name! Kirigaya Kazuto! Kirito!"

"Hm... It is pretty cool."

"See? I knew you'd like it."

"Young master? I'm coming in." An elderly voice outside said, then the door open and reveal an older figure wearing a butler uniform. "I bring cheeseburgers."

"Alright! Cheeseburgers!" Saito said pumping his fist in the air. "Oh yeah, Robert, from now one, Kazu name will be Kirito! So call him that!"

"But young master, it is not polite to change someone else name." Robert said.

"I-its fine Robert-san, beside, the name is pretty cool." Kazuto, now Kirito said.

Robert went silent for a bit before smiling. "Then, I shall address you as such, master Kirito."


Floor 35: Mische

Drakengard Inn

Shoto opened his eyes, blinked and stood up. He looked around the room, not noticing anything strange. "Dreaming about the past again... Man, its making me miss my home even more." Shoto then got off the bed, wearing only a red muscle shirt and black pants. Shoto opened his menu and equipped his usual clothing, then he looked outside. "Time to eat lunch."

Downstairs, Shoto are eating a large amount of food, one of the reasons he picked this inn, they had buffets. "Its not as best as cheeseburgers, but it's good enough." Shoto said eating his third helping in the last 9 minutes.

"Hey Shoto." Shoto looked towards the stairs and saw Kirito descending the stairs.

"Yo, rest well?" Shoto said between bites.

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