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"bye guys see ya during breakfast..i have my dance class..",said Seulgi."hey..did you almost hit",said Irene."haishh..that stupid ass",I was so annoyed with that."ok..girl good luck on your next class..bye..seeya",said Joy and all of them split to their class.As she was walking Ten suddenly greet her."hey..seulgi",with his smile.Seulgi are close with them especially Taeyong that ass is always a evil."what are doing here??",I asked and walk with him."dance too??",he said and seulgi nodded."seulgi..i'm sorry about taeyong just now..he kindda hate of us dont know why he hate you so much..'',said Ten ."just let it be..i dont care'',said seugi and both of them stop walking when they saw Taeyong.Aishh this jerk again.."yah..Ten walk like a girl beside you ..FASTER!THE TEACHER WANT TO SEE YOU",but actually he want ten to left her."hyung..just be nicely to her",Ten said and left them both behind. I walk pass him and ignore him.


It seems like gf and bf are on the same glass.Seulgi put her glass inside her bag nicely and drink some water before the class start."hey seulgii..come here",said Lisa..her friend."ok..class welcome to class of 2018..good after and nice to meet all of you again",said Mr.Yixing,their choreography ."are you guys ready for the first class?",said Mr.Lay."nae!!!",everyone say with full of energy."so..since Christmas is over..did you hear my new special winter album?",he asked and show his album."nae!",everyone said yes and he smile so happily..well their teacher is one of the most famous kpop group called EXO."good now i want each of you pwith pair..that i will give create a using my song",he said with his happy face."and the most beautiful choreography..i will pick 2 team and ask them to perform on stage during SMtown concert ",he words makes everyone drop their mouth."jinjja??',said one of student and he nodded.

 So the first pair is:

1.Minhyun x Momo

2.Dara x Wonho

3.Lisa x Ten

4.Yerin x Ong

5.Taeyong x Seulgi

6.Hani x Hakyeon

" change..I arrange you guys according on your test last year..and i paired you guys with the high score the name that i said on second..and it doesnt mean your great and the other one doesnt mean you guys are bad..mix your talent and produce a beautiful choreography.",said Mr.lay and everyone smile..he always chill his student but there's one problem."jinjja..i'm with this jerk..",said taeyong and his arms crossed.Seulgi just stand there and done nothing."damn I get high score and been paired with this dumb",she mumbled and take a deep breath."are we gonna stand like this..i a lifeless",Seulgi said and Taeyong look at her."damn I feel like I am to pretty to stand like this'',said seulgi and taeyong was like 'DAMN WHAT THE HELL WITH THIS GIRL?'."excuse me?",taeyong said with speechless.'Then stop looking at me continue to do the thing we have to prepare..haishh",finally seulgi end up sitting on the floor and switch on her phone.

 "SEULGI~",suddenly Mr.lay called her."hey..hold this for awhile",she gave her phone to Taeyong ,they just sit like a rock and done nothing."nae..seonsaengnim..',she went to him and Mr.lay smiled."Do still remember the choreography that you learnt last year??..pop song",said Mr.lay."nae..i still remember",she said and nodded."can you show them?..just for a demo before creating a new steps?",he ask nicely and she nodded."ok..everyone..stop for awhile..Seulgi gonna show you some demo..before you guys start creating the steps'',everyone sit around the studio and seulgi and the center."seulgiii..hwaitinggg",said Lisa and give a big smile to support her.The song starts..she dance gracefully full of charisma and energy.Everyone watch her..and she was really slay it!As the song finish,everyone clap their hand an Seulgi feel a bit shy.


Damn i'm gonna be crazy watching other people already have their step but this bitch is busy with her phone.Suddenly Mr.Lay called her and she asked me to hold her phone.Damn..she thinks she's a princess.I take her phone and now I know whatt she was doing for whole time,searching  for choreography..sick ass em.So seonsaengnim ask her to show her  last year dance..she perform during school open day.She dance gracefully and I see some boys are freak'in crazy into her.DAMN I STILL  HATE HER.Finish with her dance everyone claps except me."yah..give me my phone",damn so rude this girl."Don't you know how to ask properly.."I dont give her phone yet ."why do I have to be kind with a person who has been bitch on me",she took her phone from my hand.Damn she's not like she use to be..really change." you've seen the video already?",she look at me and I nodded ."So talented person like you..also learn from yt..hhah",I try to screw her up..."excuse me..we can learn all choreography..any..of it and mix it all will give a beautiful art of dance..damn I thought you are a dancer..geezz..just keep quiet",she said that to me and I said to myself dumb.

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