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Yeri was sitting on the bench near the fountain."lalalalalalalalalala..happinesss..hmhmhmhm",while watching a little girl who was happily singing infront her."heloo..cute girl",yeri went close to her and greet the girl.The girl look at her and confused."are you Yeri unnie?",said the little girl with adorable voice." seems like to sing..huh?",asked yeri ."unnie..are you Red Velvet..yeri unnie?!",ask the girl once again and yeri nodded her head.The girl jump of happiness and hug Yeri."'re to cuteee',said yeri and pinch the chubby cheek."what is you name?",asked yeri."nayirin..",said the girl hapily."where is your parents?you shouldn't be's dangerous here."yeri hold the girl's hands."Nayirin!!!",someone called her."omma!!',nayirin runs to her mother and pull her mother."omma..omma..look who I meet",said Nayirin ." daughter love you so much.."',said the mother."Nayirin,,say goodbye to Yeri unnie...",and she wave her hand."bye Nayirin",she wave back.

   Yeri looks happy went she meets Nayirin.She was waiting for others well she came so early because she thought  wendy came early to but nope.She was walking along the lake."hey!"someone tap her shoulder and she shocked."nae?",she turns back and saw someone."hye..Mark..when did you came?",she was surprised with mark's appearance ."did i make you shock..I'm sorry btw..I'm here like 15 minutes ago..waiting for others and suddenly i saw you..with the girl and I followed you",he said and smile."ouh..well i'm waiting for others to..',she smiled.'well..let's continue walk..if want to..",mark said shyly.Yeri laugh at him."kajja!",Yeri approached him.'lady first..",he let yeri walk first."wow..what a man..",they walk together along the lake .


  he was driving about an hour because of the traffic jams and this annoying girl makes problem.Taeyong and Seulgi arrived at the place and Taeyong saw Seulgi was sleeping beside him and he kindda pity to wake her up.He also felt sorry for what he did to her just now.FOR GOODNESS SAKE."seulgi-yah..ireonna..we're here",he slowly tap her shoulder and she woke up."wae?",she raisedher eyebrows."we're here",Taeyong said and get out from the car.He helps Seulgi by opening the door car for her."thanks",said Seulgi.

  There's a lot of people at the theme park."where do we want to go??",asked Seulgi seems like she was still dreaming with her innocent face."you're still asleep wake up".taeyong snap his finger in front of her and she move backwards ."stop that",she push Taeyong away."haish this make my work become slow",said Taeyong."since when!...jinjja!!!",she can't stand it."fine now go away!Or should I go first",she walk away and get more annoyed plus hate him.She don't know..why her parents want him seriously.She was walking and suddenly she heard a girl calling her.'Seulgi!unnieeee",she kindda surprise with the girl reaction."hye",she greet her and girl looks happy when she meets her." little girl..",seulgi pinch her cheeks."unnie..just now i saw yeri uniie and she pinch my cheek toooo",she smile at Seulgi." meet yeri unnie..look how cute you are..", seulgi give hug to her and she took  something from her bag."here..take this..", she hold the girl hand and give something to her and close her hand."wow..oits beautifullll!!",said the girl and she was happy with Seulgi gives."keep it..and when we meet me",she kiss her.

  Taeyong was searching for her and he stressed because she didn't answer his call or message."aishh..this old woman..",he walks and suddenly saw Seulgi with someone.He when behind the tree and hear the conversation between them."Nayirin..take care and always be a good girl ..we'll meet again",said seulgi and waved to her."goodbye Seulgi unniee..thank you for the gift",the waved and walk happily.She look at the picture of her with nayirin.So lucky to be that girl..huhuhuhu."damn I think I am lost until I found this cute girl",she smile at the picture."yah!",Taeyong came near her."oh..I thought you're dead already",Taeyong shocked with her word..just now she was so nice with the little girl."'re good at acting", said Taeyong snd she confused."bwo?",she wrap her arm. Taeyong and pull Seulgi's hand."yakk..",she followed taeyong.

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