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 "Thanks for the food and..thanks for sending me back home",said Seulgi before left the car."no prob",replied taeyong and seulgi left.If only seulgi remember who's taeyong."eomma..appa..i'm home!",she open the door and went to the kitchen."seulgii..yaa..where have you been..I called you more than 3x..aigooo",her mother was nagging and she smiled."why are you smilling?",asked her brother who suddenly came from his room." it wrong!",said seulgi."I went out with my friend ofc",said seulgi."liarrr!!!I saw you with a guy in a car",said Sehun and Seulgi hit his head."do you have to spy me all the time",she hit him more."enough this two kids aigooo..",their mother pull their ears."wait a guy?..who?",her mother came closer and also her annoying brother."t-taeyong-g",she said and her mother surprised." sister knows how to date a boy..after for a long time",said Sehun and rub seulgi's hair."aishh..stop it! I'm not dating with him..and i won't!Even agree to be with him!",seulgi step away and went to her room."this girl don't know how to life",mumbled Sehun.

 While Sehun was cleaning his room,he receive a message from Irene

IRENE:Yah!Sehun..are you there?

SEHUN:ofc I'm here for you...

IRENE:aishh..stop it..I have something to tell you..wanna hear


IRENE:just now when we were at the theme park,Seulgi meets someone

SEHUN:WHO?!..a new guy?thanks for telling you

IRENE:love you too(draft)


 As day is the most bored day but happy to meet friends.Today Seulgi woke up early for the first time,she seems so excited."SEULGI-YAHHH--PPALLIIII",her mother called her."'s still early..",she's nagging and took her bag and books."'s still early..wae?",she asked her mother."your driver is here..",said her mother.."since when I have a driver?",she mumbled and went outside to see who."aigoo jiinnjjaa!",she was shocked when she saw TAEYONG."what is he doing here?",she took her shoes and went out."what are you doing here?in the morning?",she asked while putting on her uniform and the door opens automatically. Taeyong took her bag and books and Seulgi was like 'what's wrong with this man?'.She get in the car and Taeyong starts to drive.*awkward*."let's go breakfast first..",said taeyong and seulgi just nodded.

They arrived at cafe and they enter the cafe.They took a place at the corner a special seat for couples.Seulgi just watch at the menu..she never eat breakfast at cafe because her mother always cook."order..don't you want to eat",said Taeyong and seulgi quickly take the menu."Chicken porridge and hot chocolate..",ordered Seulgi."same as me too..",said Taeyong and they wait for the food.Taeyong was reading a book and Seulgi was looking around the cafe..geez..this is a first time she went out for breakfast since is was still early.The food came and they start to eat.Seulgi stop eating when she realize someone's watching her and she put both of her hands on table at look at the person back."can you stop doing that..?",said seulgi.Taeyong realize he was watching her and he he felt ashamed. Seulgi laugh at him and continue eating.

 Afther finish eating, Taeyong pay for the foods and ask Seulgi not to use her money.Mean while the others are at school,"winwin..bro how's china",asked Johnny."fun",said winwin."Thats all..come on ..tell us everything",said yuta.All of them went to usual place and listening Winwin's story."Irene..I think yesterday I left my earrings at your room",said wendy."yes you do..I kept in my drawer..later I'll gave it to you.",said Irene while writing a note."Just feel it boom boom",muttered Yeri and dance to the song."aigoo..this girl",Joy laughed at joy and wendy just watch her without any words.

Seulgi and Taeyong arrived at school and it's looks like 'yeoja chingu' is also there .Eunha quickly walks towards Taeyong but she surprised when she saw Seulgi's there."s-since when?",she said and Taeyong pull Seulgi closer to him."why?",said Taeyong.Geez Taeyong really changes in school but actually he is soft same as Seulgi. Taeyong and Seulgi walks away and left Eunha behind and she's kindda speechless."ouh..and..dont you try to disturb her orher friends..if're dead..understand",said Taeyong and continue walking.Seulgi just shut her mouth and she's surprised with Taeyong's words just now..when?.Seulgi move away from Taeyong when she saw her friends."why?",said Taeyong."what do you by why?..",said Seulgi."its fun",said taeyong."no fun for me..never!",she said and go to her friends.

"wow..where have you been..?",said Wendy and hug her."wah..are you making some notes from someone?",asked Seulgi and Irene covers the notes with her book."must be for someone special..aigoo",teased Yeri."chingu yaa..tell us whoo..",joy came in front of her and did some aegyo."euu..stop that..its nothing..just for the coming class..",said irene and pinch Joy's nose and it turns red.Seulgi laugh and she felt someone was watching her so,she turn around but there's no one.WEIRD.The school's bell rang and all of them went to their first class.


I realized that someone called me and I decided to turn around."taeyong ahhh",it's Elkie..did she just moved to this school?.."elkie?..when did you?",I kindda surprised and like an idiot for a while."ouh..My parents decided me to move here..and I didn't expect that you're here too..",said Elkie."well than..where are heading to?",asked Taeyong ."umm..",she don't know where to go .So,I decide to bring her to the school's cafe."I'm so happy to see you!I miss you",she said and suddenly hold my arm."I miss walking with you like this...",it's kindda awkward to me.

We took a seat at the corner,I skipped my class ofc."why did your parents transfered you to this school?",I asked her."wae? don't like it?",she said and she did that suck face.I ignored her by listening to music.Actually after Seulgi left Taeyong Elkie came to his life and everything change.Both of them become close friend.But not a long friendship because her parents doesn't like Taeyong.After a years they didn't meet..Seulgi came back but she seems like doesn't remember anything about Taeyong and she really change her attitude.Elkie came after Seulgi now both of the are here which kindda hard to say this.

"yah!!Taeyong!!",suddenly someone pull my headphone and i was like wtf,bitch."yah!bitch!",I cursed the's not Elkie because she's busy with her foundation and she kindda surprised too.I look up and it was Seulgi..shit.."Are you dumb?!..I thought you're  fucking R.I.P!WE A DANCE CLASS AND YOU'RE HANGING AROUND AT THE SCHOOL..OUH..I SEE..So you're the new student..WOW..LEE TAEYONG JUST DATED WITH THE NEW STUDENT UNTIL SKIP HIS OWN CLASS WHAT A IDIOT DEFINATION!"she looks so angry and her eyes turns red."excuse should be mad like that..don't your parents teach that?..and what kind of suits are you wearing..crop top hoddie ..don't you have any proper clothes to wear?",said Elkie and Seulgi looks at her."EX-CUSE -ME.Who the fuck are you?..and who are you to talk to me like bitch..and I don't need to respect someone who doesn't respect me..Fucking ass get back to your idiot school..this is high performing school..and the rules are different shitty princess..",she cursed a lots and I don't know hoe to start."I'm Elkie..daughter of CEO Kim..I can do wanna die",Elkie stood up so do Taeyong."who cares if you're CEO's daughter..kill me?kill them cause you father gonna be blamed soon and I bet your mother just had to fuck with your dad and produce an idiot,arrogant person like you excuse my ass ",as Seulgi finish her words Taeyong slap her.Seulgi look at him and her eyes watering and she was very furious she walk away without any words.What did I do?."Taeyong..who is she?",asked Elkie."don't ever come close to me..understand",he awrned her and she gulped.

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