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DAMN..This guy talks stupid I think he just act stupid and I don't need to know his stupidity..erkkk..Well recess is almost time..just wait to get away from him."Taeyong oppa~",erkkk..that ears..I think is bleeding."nae..",Taeyong respond to her...not like before."oppaaa...",cuteness overload..ewww.."excuse me..your gf is disturbing my focus..can you please ask her to shut her mouth",she's so annoying geez."Yerin..let's go ",he left me and go along with that witch..feww I'm going to see my girls.

"hey guys!!!",but everyone seems focusing on something."yahh..wae?",i ask them."look",said wendy and I look at the way she point.Oh! I get it..Yeri and Mark..they are so cute!!"since when?",I kindda want to know when..hehe.."Just know during vocal class..Yeri lost her note book and then mark lend his's..and he kindda stick something before he gave it to her..i think he wrote something to Yeri..",said Irene as she with her .


"YAKK!!",suddenly someone intervene us."excuse me..what do you want?",said Irene and give a dead glare."Yah!You..get away from him!",said Yerin and splash some water on Seulgi's uniform.Her friends was shocked and irene hate is one of her friend is bullied."Excuse me..bitch..get fuck away from're not from here",Irene draw up sowon's uniform with cream."oppss..thats for my friend",she wipe her hand with tissue and throw it on Yerin's face."YAHHH..Who do you think you are?!",Sowon gets angry but not that spicy."excuse can do this to me and not my friend..",Seulgi took Sowon's hand before she almost slap Irene face."haishh..dont you even get close to his friend and yeri!!!dont you dare be with mark!!",said EunB who was jealous of Yeri with mark."hella whatt..dont touch our yeri..she doesnt do know why Mark choose her over you",Joy when closer to EunB." are not enough to be Mark's",Joy and the others laugh especially Seulgi who still in the bad mood.

"Taeyong!!The girls..they fight again!!",said Ten who was back from canteen with Yuta."what...",taeyong was so tired to hear them fight."Your gf who start it first and they even throw water on Seulgi",Taeyong quickly when to the canteen." mention Seulgi..he's kindda..",Mark do some action and quickly follow the others.

"HEY!!if you kindda jealous..why dont Taeyong jealous on you with other guy?",said Irene and those words make Yerin speechless."and stop acting like a child'',Wendy added.Yerin was too angry and she splash another water to Seulgi."I said stop!!",suddenly she heard loud voice."oppa~~..she spill some cream on Sowon uniform..",damn that bitch love to act and even starts to cry..what the?..As Taeyong was there..taeyong saw seulgi with stain on her uniform."gosh can you please stop acting?we saw everything!",said taeil and pull Irene."oppaa..I didn't do that!",she tries to lie stupid.."yerin enough!!"he push Yerin away.He took out his coat and put it on Seulgi but she refuse."stop being arrogant",he forced herto wear it."Yerin..if repeat the same thing..I'm gonna end this relationship",he said.Yerin was shocked so do others."oppaa~~..mianhae~",cuteness overload again and this time taeyong get annoyed. "seulgi..I have a spear uniform in my locker..",said yeri and quickly went to take it.Seulgi went to somewhere and Taeyong follow behind her.

"Taeyong ahhh",Yeri run towards him and give him the uniform."here..ask her to change..and don't hurt her",said yeri and taeyong smiled.She went to the rooftop without notice Taeyong followed him.


"THIS IS THE MOSTTT TERIBLEE LIFEE..HAISHH",she can't held her anger and release it finally."Why don't I just die from the start?!WAE?!!","Because there's someone still need you",I shocked when I heard actually he was following me..the whole time?!"w-what are you doing here?",Yeri gives this..she ask you to change..",he said and I thanked him for that."thanks for the don't need to give it next time..",I said and give it to him."why she want to disturb you..i end the relationship already",he said and i felt wrong."You shouldn't do that..",I said and he turn to me and walk closer."Dont be a bitch towards me..faster change your uniform or else i'll change it for you",he now is really in from of me and those words make my eyes wide open."are you crazy?!",i push him and when to the washroom.

 DAMN first day of school and so many things happen is this even a school or what?Gladly Yeri have a spear uniform..I dont need to wear this suck..haish..smells awful.I went out from the washroom and straight to my locker since its near.Take out my science book and to the lab..gosh science is suck..I'm tired.I saw Jennie on my way and she's my friend too.."hey seulgi!!",she greet me with happiness." you're so happy",I ask her."ahh..nothing i'm just happy to see you agin..hehe..btw what is your next class?",she ask me and I answered  "science"."same..let's go together",she pull my hand and walk together.


Seulgi take a sit on back because she totally will fell asleep during this lesson and Jennie when to sit with her friend..she invite her but she refuse.She just want to sit alone and alone.The class start as the teacher get in.I though I'm gonna sit alone here but someone came beside me."hey",someone called and I try to find out who.Taeyong was the one who called her,while teacher was explaining in front she was so focus so he try to interrupt her.

 Taeyong kick her feet and Seulgi turns to him."excuse me..",seulgi said.Taeyong ignore her and Seulgi kindda annoyed.After 1 hour in the science class finally HOME!!Before he went out,he saw Seulgi was helping teacher lifting the books.Seem like she was walking towards here and Taeyong is ready to disturb her."damn so many book",said Seulgi and suddenly someone block her way."YAH!!!Get out from my way",said Seulgi and walk to the other side."wow..bad girl help teacher ",said Taeyong and he push Seulgi that makes she lost balance."haishh bitch what do you want!",Seulgi shout it loud.

"Taeyong ahh..enough",Doyoung give her a hand and help her to lift the books."kamsahamida doyoung sii..i'm glad that you're here..",Seulgi smile at him and her friends came."hye Doyoung!",greet the red velvet."oh!Hello",doyoung greet them back.Then other members of NCTU came too ."you guys wanna hang out together this evening?",asked Jaehyun ask the girl but they seems like not sure." about the others..are they okay with us??",said wendy."ofc..we're close right',said Ten with his charming smile.

"So..see you guys later then..bye..I got to go my car is over that side",Seulgi excuse herself and went back home.Actually someone is hearing their conversation."out..together..",said the person

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