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" the jet is ready?",asked Sehun."Yes sir..please follow me",all of them follow her to the jet."we're taking jet?!!!srs?",said Yeri.She kindda amazed.well it's her first time to join."Don't you ever went on's the same..but more faster",said Joy.

 "wait who's gonna fly it?..none of us know.."said Taeyong."e-hem..we have an expert here..Seulgi?",said Onew and look at her.Seulgi smirks and walk to the jet."she's gonna be hot while flying it"said irene and xiumin and they both look at each other.

 "the engine has been repaired and everything is ready to use..sir",said Lily and sehun nodded."leggo!!!",said Joy and all of them went on  board."Damn it's been a long time!!!wahhh!!My favourite!"Seulgi went to check the system."Don't be so might get careless..last time..",sehun teased her and she look at her with death glare."That's for shut the fuck up",she said and took her place."ok..I'm going to fly up..READY!!!",she was so happy.OMG!!

  "why don't we use this the place..",Yeri suggested."Yeri dear..they will know us..",said Irene and smile at her."hey guys..I need someone to replace me..",said Seulgi."why?",asked joy.Seulgi turn it auto mode.."I'm gonna ride.."she went to the bid container."seriously?..did you bring you bike..?",said Xiumin and look at her."ofc..must",she smirked and hop on it.Sehun went to replace her."good luck sis",said sehun."since when I'm your sis?",she said and laughed."whatever"

  Sehun brings the jet lower so she can ride her bike out."hey..take care",she said to Taeyong and he smiled."get your gun Seulgi?"asked Onew."do I need that?",she said and Onew stare at her."..okay..I bring..but just one bullets..bye!!",she put down her helmet protection and fuck off."Gezz..your sister is crazy",said wendy."She never normal to me..",sehun laughed.

  "so..where are we heading to?",asked Xiumin."just wait until she's there..",said Wendy."wow..looks like we're to absent to school..until this things settle..",said Joy."no school is better for need to meet that fucking girl",said Yeri."who?",asked joy."Elkie",answered Irene and Taeyong cough.


She was riding a motorbike and on high speed.Her white and red bike is very damn pretty.Sehun designed for her 3 years ago and she often use it.Only for emergency."mamamia..I'm coming to you",she whispered.She looks so cool and so difficult to describe her on this situation. Tough girl btw.

  "'s me.send me the location".Seulgi send a voice message to the others.

She really wants to kill taeyang and hate him so much. Taeyang also said to her that he want her to be his slave. Seulgi..ofc she will not agree and fight back.Joy gets the message and sent it to Seulgi.Taeyong just stood there and done nothing.

"YOU",suddenly sehun called him.

Taeyong went to him and sehun began to talk.

" my sister..right?",sehun just asked a unexpected question and taeyong kindda nervous.

"why would I?",he said cooly

" look so obvious..",joy said and smirked.

Seulgi just follow the red spot which will lead her to the place.She was so ready to face him and she will pay back after what he did to taemin. Finally she arrive at the place.The place was so huge and seems like no one..guess like the must be prepared. Seulgi park her motorbike and ran behind bushes.

Sehun was getting prepared on something and also Taeyong.He asked Taeyong to go there while others will followed behind.

Seulgi climbed up through the window to get in the house.

"GOSH!So huge",she muttered as she was so impressed with the house.

She walked around the house and saw something interesting.It was Taemin's legendary katana.Taeyang must stolen it went he killed him.She quickly took it and ran to other room.She saw someone and quickly hide behind the wall.

"Faster!..don't let her in!",shouted Taeyang and Seulgi just kept quiet and continue listening.

"Sir..someone had get in the place",said one of his man.

"fine the person!",said taeyang and all of them seperated.

Seulgi though the person was her and she quickly followed Taeyang from behind without her realizing. 

"stop!",seulgi encourage herself to stop him.

" dear's been a long time..huh",he said and take a seat near to her.

"enough with this stupid games!",she said and went punched his face.

"not so close dear!!!THERE'S SOMETHING WE'RE NOT DONE!!!",Taeyong pushed her against the wall and held her hand tightly.

"I'll never accept anything from you!",said Seulgi and fight against him.

She kicked him and he punched her stomach. Seulgi still didn't gave up and kept on fighting until someone shoot  her from behind.

"AAAA",she moaned when her right leg was been shot by of of Taeyang's man.

She can't helped herself but just lay on the floor and her vision  can't focused.

Taeyang smirked at her and kicked her face.

While Taeyong and others succeed entered the house.They had put a small boom around the house.

"wendy..xiumin you guys went to that side and both of us will go up stairs..arresso?,said Taeyong and all of them nodded.

Taeyong heard something from the other door and quietly he sneak through it with kai behind him.

"look at this precious sweet and weaker than she think..hahaha",taeyang quickly button off his shirt  and get on the bed while seulgi still fainted.

"Taeyong.."Kai called him and look at him to give a sign.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER!",Kai pull out his gun at pointed at him.

Seulgi woke up and saw Taeyang on top of him and she began to shouted.

"FUCK YOU BITCH!GET OFF OF ME!!!!!!!!!1",she kicked his puberty and ran away.

She forgot that her leg was injured and she had to be strong.

Taeyang grabbed his weapons and pointed at Seulgi.

"you shoot me..I shoot her",everyone froze in the room.

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