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    "Jaehyun..",winwin went over him."did you see Taeyong?",he asked and Jaehyun raise his shoulders."I dont even meet him yesterday..weirdoo",he took his phone and texting something


(after 15 min)

JAEHYUN:Yo..Taeyong..never late

JAEHYUN:Hey kid..what's wrong?

JAEHYUN:are you dead?or HEYYYY

JAEHYUN: aigooo..since when







 "He didn't even reply my's about 30 minutes..what's wrong with him?",said Jaehyun and winwin scrolled his phone ."dont say too..",Jaehyun felt weird toward taeyong.So,since yesterday he didn't reply winwin's message or even show himself up.

 "let's ask the girls ..or maybe seulgi",said winwin and both of them went out from the room.It looks like Taeyong disappear after he slap Seulgi and how about Seulgi?Others member don't know that Elkie is back for them she's a worst girl same like 'yeoja chingu'.Both of them went to call all the members to gather especially Taeyong since he didn't reply any message or even call.

They went to search for Taeyong at school.He usually hanging out alone at the dance room.He never went anywhere without information so, this is first time.They didn't know what happens to him because it's about 2 hour looking for him and they called the girls but no one answering.Guess like the girls are busy too.They've called other member if Taeyong is with them but unfortunately..NO.So all of them decided to look for him together.Jaehyun went to his house with Taeil and ask his parents if his home.They become more crazy went his parents said he's not home from yesterday.GOSH! Where is he?

 "you guys found him?",asked Yuta who was sweating already.All of them take a break for awhile with some fresh water.

"it's weird..i thought he went for a class with Seulgi..but no one is there even Seulgi".said Haechan and makes everyone realize about Taeyong and Seulgi.

"urmm..guys..I have something to tell..related to Taeyong and someone",said Mark.

"Just now at school..I went to the school cafe before enter the first class.I was at the cafe about 10 min and when I'm about to go,I saw Taeyong hyung with someone and you guys must chocked when I said her name.It's Elkie..she's with Taeyong and I think Taeyong should go to Mr.Yixing class because suddenly Seulgi came fiercely at him because he's late.But I didn't hear it clearly  the conversation but what I saw is Taeyong just slapped Seulgi face and she run away",Mark said and everyone was like 'OH SHIT..THAT BITCH IS BACK'

"ok..I don't know what to say..",said Johnny and walk away.


"Seulgi..are you okay?",said Yeri and others was looking at her..figuring what's wrong with her.

    Seulgi cried about an hour after school and she didn't even eat or change her school uniform.It's weird she never act like this before.She looks like a lost child crying for someone.All of them don't know how to comfort her because Seulgi is the hardest member to cry.

"looks like someone made you it the trash again?...classmates?..teacher?",Joy try to mention everything but what she did was CRY.

  "yah..Seulgi..your eyes will sore if you keep crying ",said Irene and pull her closer to her.

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