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"what do you want?",asked seulgi."what are you doing here?",asked the guy."non of your business!",said Seulgi fiercely."I know you still love me..seulgi",said that guy  but seulgi seems like she trying to ignore him."SEULGI!",he pull seulgi to face him."what do you want?!!! know how much I suffer!Because of you!!!",finally speak out."YOO TAEYANG..We're done!",seulgi burst out loud.


"Actually the guys just now came is Seulgi's ex..",said wendy."during Seulgi went to united state..he's Seulgi's mentor..and they fall in love and their relationship was about 3 years..",Irene continued."but they broke up after..Seulgi receive a photo of that guy with another girl.She actually drunk on that day..and was about to kill herself..gladly her friend is there.and stop her.."joy continue the story."when she came back to Korea..she changed..almost everyday she went to the club..dancing..drinking..and she almost get ripped..and her brother finds out..",yeri seems pity to her."Yoo Taeyang is his name..he's korean..",said Irene and look away."so thats why..she act strangely ",said mark.Taeyong get up from his chair and walk away."woo..bro what's wrong?".said johnny and others were shocked with his action.He left the table without any word."I think he's jealous ",Taeil mumbled."what?!",all of them look at him.

 Taeyong seems so angry he heard the girls story.He saw seulgi with Taeyang and he went near them."Mianhae..",said Taeyang and Seulgi slap his face."don't you try to say sorry after what you did to me!",she starts to cry.Someone hold Seulgi's hand."who are you? have the same thing to",said Taeyang."Who I am  is non of your business..don't you know how to treat a girl..",said Taeyong while giving a dead glare to him."wah..."you're her boyfriend..congrats..",Taeyang laughed."is there's a problem if I am her boyfriend?",said Taeyong and Seulgi look at him.Taeyong hold Taeyong's colar.."don't you dare",he warned."enough you both!",seulgi pull them away.Seulgi pull Taeyong hand and walk away."you can go now..",said Seulgi."no",replied taeyong and seulgi look at him.Taeyong grab her hand and went to his car."get in",he tells her."why",Seulgi confused and taeyong just ignore her and push her into the car .

 "guys..where's taeyong & seulgi..?",asked joy with worried tone."where the heck both of them go?",said Johnny who was dialing TAeyong's phone number."I'll try to call seulgi.",said Irene."let's go and search them over there",jaehyun and yuta went to the recent place they've been."i'm going to the store for awhile..",Wendy excuse herself for awhile.She went to the store and search for something and then she meets someone."Taeyang?",she mumbled.She pull him out from the store."what happens to seulgi? better answer!",she said."what?..I don't know?",replise Taeyang."aishhh..Did TAeyong went to you both..",said Wendy."TAe..who..ouh..her new boyfriend?..hah..",said Taeyang."Can you stay away from Seulgi..she already have someone else..and getting married..",said Wendy with her arm crossed.Taeyang look at her.."bwo?"."hah..I'm sorry but her parents already found a perfect guy for her..greater than you",Wendy push him and he almost lost his balance."that taeyong is her fiance ?",taeyong seems angry with that."why?..feel sorry..well you deserve it..dumb',Wendy left him behind and took her phone.


YERI:wae?..wendy did you found her?

WENDY:she's with Taeyong..

YERI:How?..where are you?

WENDY:i think Taeyong bring her to other place..wait I'm coming 



"guys..wendy said both of them are together and maybe they went to other place..",said yeri." fast..",said haechan."well no wonder both of them..didn't answer the phone..",mumbled mark and suddenly haechan laugh."what the..don't you dare to think that thing!",Tael hit haechan head."aigoo these boys",irene mumbled and laugh at them."well let's go!!You guys have to treat us..NYEHHH",said Doyoung and Haechan."just go away you both!"yuta push them away.

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