Our Plan - FIN

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Y/n's P.O.V.

Did you ever wonder if those creatures from our fairy tales ever actually existed? Did you ever believe in them? If you did then you would be right for doing so. Where do we live? In the worst city anyone could think of. You know...the city of drive-bys, shootings, producers, and the highest crime rates of all time. New York! It wasn't my choice to land here. Of course not! I wanted to go anywhere my heart desired and for some reason, it was telling me to go here. Oh...wait. I have to tell you everything from the beginning, don't I? My story, right? Well, it's not like most but it is tragic in a sense.

'Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful queen and handsome king. The king came from a long line of powerful wizards, spinning straw into gold in the blink of an eye was one of his many talents as a wizard. For many years the king and queen lived happily in their castle and had anything their hearts desired. Although their life was not filled with much excitement or adventures they still made the best of their situation. The queen saw nothing wrong with the way they lived but eventually, the king became bored with his boring wife and dull life. One maiden that lived in the village of his kingdom had a smile that could brighten his mood whenever he was down and the two began to grow closer and closer until one night the king slipped away into the said village and bedded the woman whose beauty surpassed even that of the queen. And it did not go unnoticed. Many months later, a child was born. A baby girl. The queen was then informed of her husband's treachery and banished both the woman and child. A witch hired by the queen herself had cast a spell on the child, giving her two animal-like features until the child could fulfill her true purpose in life.'

That was five hundred years ago and I was one of the many Fables who didn't receive a happy ending. I wouldn't let my past get to me but from time to time I just couldn't control it. Why me? Why punish a baby who didn't ask to be in this world? My mother had died long ago after not being able to recover from her sickness and due to my form, no one wanted to help us. I was still a child when I entered this world alone and it stayed that way my entire life up until ten years ago when I had run into the Big Bad Wolf myself. Somehow I got roped up into being his partner and now here we are ten years later.

Staring up at the ceiling, I had forgotten about passing out on the floor last night from being so tired. This overworking myself is going to be the death of me..., Yawning until my home phone began to ring. Someone is seriously calling me this early? Shaking my head, I had gotten up and picked up the phone, pressing the green button to answer it.

Normal P.O.V.

"Night's residen-" She couldn't get more than two words out before she was interrupted by another woman on the other end of the line.

"Y/N's! Thank goodness that you're awake. I didn't think you would be at this hour..." Snow White had sighed in relief. The cat gave a confused look although she knew that Snow couldn't see it. "You...do realize what time it is, right?"

"It's hella early, Snow..." Y/n yawned again, covering her mouth with her hand before letting it fall back to her side. A giggle could be heard on the other end before Snow finally told her what time it was.

"Y/n...it's almost 7: 00 pm...." Snow giggled a bit more before getting down to serious business. "Look, it doesn't matter right now. We have a bigger problem than your sleep schedule. The Crooked Man has escaped!" The cat's eyes widened a bit to this information as he had been locked up for ten years and couldn't escape before.

"How did he-?" Y/n was about to ask but Snow had once again cut her off which was starting to annoy her.

"I'm sorry...I can't get into it right now but just bring the Sheriff with you and meet me at the Business Office!" Snow ordered before hanging up the phone and leaving Y/n standing there in silence with a million questions going through her head. She didn't waste any time in getting dressed. Throwing on a black tank top and pair of mini shorts along with her dark blue jacket and combat boots, the cat was out the door within a matter of minutes only to run into something very stiff and muscular. Rubbing her nose with one of her hands that was starting to sting, she looked up at the person she ran into; The Big Bad Wolf.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now