Us - FIN

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Normal P.O.V.

"You both need to start talking." Y/n spoke up once the door behind them was closed and locked so that no one could walk in on them. "You two were erased from the book of Fables. How are you still alive?" She questioned. "It doesn't make sense."

"I watched you die, Georgie." Bigby chimed in which made the other male's head perk up. "Same with you, Vivian. Your damn head fell off for fuck's sake!" It was clear that Bigby was letting his anger get to him once again but that was nothing new. Putting her hand on Bigby's shoulder, Y/n gave him a small glance to let him know that he needed to calm down. We are not going to get any information this way. We have to stay calm...

"What happened?" Y/n asked. "Did The Crooked Man even tell you how you guys were brought back? This kind of stuff doesn't just happen." Vivian and Georgie looked at one another as if they were having a silent discussion on whether or not to tell them the correct information. Shaking his head and sighing, Georgie finally gave in.

"That crooked fucker...he found some witches that escaped the Homelands that specialized in dark magic, you see," Georgie explained. "Their specialty included bringing people back to life, but these witches....shit! A life for a life is usually how it works, right? Not to these old broads. You want a life? You gotta pay with three lives. Mundy, Fable, it don't matter. Animal lives don't work with these damn witches though. They made that abundantly clear." He finished. That's what the Crooked Man has been up to this entire time? That still raises the question of who killed those Mundies. No Fable had been killed since the arrest of the Crooked Man all those years ago. "Now, how about we talk business?" Georgie smirked which gave him a glare from Vivian but Y/n was too lost in thought to hear him continue speaking. "How about you work for us, Night?"

"What did you just say?" Bigby growled which was enough to pull Y/n out of her trance and look towards the men in confusion.

"We know that the Crooked Man is after her. Think about it, Wolf. I or Vivian would always be here, tons of would be hard for that crooked bastard to get his hands on you without causing a scene." Georgie tried to persuade, which didn't seem to be working in the slightest.

"I don't think he cares about making a scene after what happened in the park." Bigby rolled his eyes, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it to ease his stress.

"That was Mary, Bigby. The Crooked Man is more ...low-key if anything." Y/n corrected. "Still, I wouldn't like to be on stage shaking my goods, y'know. I'm not that kind of girl."

"Of course not, Y/n." Vivian held up her hands. "We would just have you serve drinks and such. Nothing like what the other girls do." She reassured which made Y/n start to question the position she was offered. "It would be completely safe. We even hired some bodyguards this time around."

"You would still have to dress in uniform," Georgie added with a smirk as he seemed to love adding fuel to Bigby's fire. "The outfit will be designed according to each girl's taste. Don't worry, I'm sure we can find something for you, Night. Maybe something see-through?"

"We're about to see through your head in a second if you don't quit fucking around." Bigby threatened as the idea of Y/n wearing something so distasteful made his anger spike up again.

"Look, the point is we are not loyal to that crooked bastard. Not anymore after what he did to Georgie last time. We can help you. I don't know what all we could do but we'll keep an eye out for any of the Crooked Man's people and keep an ear out for any details on where he might be located." Vivian spoke up, trying to defuse the situation. Y/n could tell she wasn't lying and truly would help them if they needed it.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now