Trouble-Maker - FIN

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Normal P.O.V.

The Mundy cops could never keep up with her no matter how hard they tried. Even when faced with three Mundy cops now, she wasn't about to let herself be captured as she hid inside of an alleyway, concealing herself in the darkness of the shadows, losing the cops within a matter of minutes. I swear...this gets easier every single time. Y/n let out a giggle before she was about to calmly start walking out of the alley until she was stopped by none other than the Big Bad Wolf. Not this dude again... Sighing, she turned her body to face the other Fable. With what she was wearing, people were unable to confirm if she were a male or female. The torn jeans, black hoodie, white sneakers, and darkness made it nearly impossible for them to spit any clues for her correct gender.

"I hope you got your fun out while you could, man. You've been causing way too much trouble for Fabletown and now you're going to come with me." Bigby growled, clearly not in the mood for playing around but that seemed to be all that Y/n was up to these days.

"Really now?" Y/n smirked, her nails growing sharp and long to resemble claws of a cat before she sunk them into the wall next to her and began climbing the building at an inhuman pace. Catching the sheriff off guard, the wolf had barely made it up to the building in time to see which direction in which she was headed. Jumping from building to building, it seemed like an easy task for the half-fable as she could hear Bigby calling out to her from behind.

"Don't make this any harder than it has to be, man!" Bigby called out to her. Getting annoyed with him rather quickly, she pulled a kunai out of her hoodie before quickly turning around and flinging it in the direction of which she last saw him but it hit nothing. Standing still on top of one of the buildings, her breathing was beginning to get heavy from her small workout from earlier and now running from the sheriff. Eventually making it to the Trip Trap, she stretched her arms above her head, making them pop a few times before her eyes landed on her two most trusted friends; Gren and Holly.

"You're late." Gren playfully lectured as the door to the entrance opened once again but before Y/n could turn around and see who it was, she was placed in a headlock. "What the fuck are you doing, sheriff?!" The sheriff was huffing and puffing into her ear as she struggled to get out of his grasp but failed.

"This guy makes me chase him for multiple blocks and you're worried about him??" Bigby barked, having trouble keeping her in the headlock he put her in.

"'Him'? Sheriff, you might want to rethink-" Gren started but was cut off when Bigby flung the half-fable into a table nearby, rendering it completely useless as it smashed into pieces.

"Sorry about the bar, Holly." Bigby rubbed the back of his head before walking over to the now unconscious Fable. Turning her over and getting a better look at the Fable's face, he quickly realized Y/n was a girl along with a few other features that indicated that she was a woman. "Shit!"

"You're a fucking moron, Sheriff." Gren hissed before quickly making his way over to Y/n, pulling her hood down and revealing her cat ears. "She's a Fable. Get it?" He mocked, watching as Y/n slowly began to open her eyes.

"I knew that! Why the hell do you think I was after her?" Bigby snapped back, watching the Fable that was able to evade him for a while. Y/n didn't say much to the wolf as she slowly got up with Gren's help and made her way over to the bar, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"The usual, Holly. I'd appreciate it." Y/n yawned as Holly only smiled and went to fetch her a drink. Noticing Bigby come up behind her and stand by her side, she was getting even more annoyed that he wouldn't just speak already. "What? Oh, I guess I don't look like a guy too much, huh?" She let out a small laugh as Holly gave her the drink she requested.

"I've never seen a Fable like you before." Bigby commented, looking down at her tail that swayed back and forth.

"I get that a lot." Y/n shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.

"The drink is on me, Y/n." Holly winked before going back to polishing her glasses.

"Y/n?" Bigby questioned.

"I have a name, y/know." Y/n rolled her eyes as she took another drink. "Half-fable, Y/n Night."

"Half? How is that even possible?" Bigby spoke, surprised. Clearly needing to read through more of the book of Fables.

"It's not exactly a blessing or anything. My biological father cheated on his wife with someone who wasn't a Fable and got her pregnant. So I am." Y/n replied, downing her drink after getting tired of taking mild sips. "As for the tail and ears, well, I have to live with those until I fulfill my true purpose in life. Whatever that is..."

"Even so, you've been causing too much trouble outside of Fabletown. You aren't even supposed to be out of that town without permission." Bigby lectured which seemed to upset Gren. "I can't just let this slide."

"I have no intention of letting you take me in, Wolf." Y/n rolled her eyes, handing the now empty glass to Holly so it could be washed. "I like my freedom which is why I haven't stayed in Fabletown. You should probably know already but I don't exactly care for rules."

"Look, I can take you to the Business Office and we can figure out where to go from there, but until then you're my problem and I won't let you out of my sight. I have a few other things to take care of after this since you wanted to be so evasive." Bigby glared at the Fable, pulling out a piece of paper that had a list on it only for her to raise an eyebrow at his determination.

"Damn officials love their lists...." Y/n complained before getting up out of her seat.

"You can't be serious." Gren shook his head.

"I'll be back in the morning. If I can avoid a few Mundy cops I'm sure I can avoid the Big Bad Wolf himself as I did before." Y/n taunted.

"And how long did that last?" Bigby glared at her once again.

"Up until tonight? Pretty long if you ask me." Y/n replied with a smirk as the two Fables left the bar.

Minor Time Skip....

"It is in my best interest at heart that Miss Night becomes your partner." Snow White declared with a huge smile. Y/n and Bigby stood there dumbfounded at the suggestion by their mayor. Seeing the look on their faces, she could tell neither one of them knew what to say. "You know the streets better than any of us, Y/n."

"I'm the Fable that's always starting the fights, not breaking them up!" Y/n argued. Rubbing his forehead in frustration, he took one glance at Y/n before looking over at Snow again.

"Only for a few months," Bigby suggested, knowing that he most likely couldn't handle more than that with her but little did he know that he would be dead wrong. "I have enough on my plate as it is and babysitting a trouble maker is only adding to the pile and not making things any easier." Maybe I could get away with more stuff if I took this job...maybe some new connections as well...

"Fine. Whatever..." Y/n finally sighed, crossing her arms on her chest. I can tough it out for a few months....

"Excellent!" Snow smiled and proceeded to deal with the paperwork needed to fill out Y/n's new position in Fabletown. "If you happen to like being partners at the end of these few months then I would be more than happy to make you both partners permanently." Both of the Fables sneered at one another, turning their heads away from each other before speaking in union.

"Not going to happen!"

EDITED 10/25/2019 - 3:21 am

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now