Betrayel - FIN

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                             am I supposed to get close enough to that old man to do this? Y/n thought which only seemed to add more questions to what she thought was a solved problem. Once he's sent to another world he'll lose his immortality and slowly die like the old hag that he is. The only thing stopping her was the distance. His goons would most certainly be at his side at every hour of every day.

You don't have to do this alone.

Ahiru's words echoed through her mind and with a heavy sigh, she decided to get the opinion of another witch that lived in the Woodlands. Auntie Greenleaf. With her in mind, Tiffa called for a taxi and headed over to her apartment.

"Greenleaf?" Y/n called out but was met with no reply until a few moments later when the door cracked open to reveal a little girl. "Why do you always wear that glamour? You aren't in hiding anymore." Slowly, the old man was revealed when the glamour wore off and Y/n was allowed inside.

"I am when I was the one who turned that bastard into a crow." Greenleaf hissed, locking the door once Y/n was inside. "What do you want, cat?"

"Nice to see you too..." Y/n replied sarcastically.

"Do you have any idea how bad it is out there now that he's escaped? None of us will be spared this time. None of us will be offered that chance."

"He can't kill all of us, Greenleaf. He wants this town the way it is along with everyone in it. Maybe except for Bigby but that's only because he sees that man as a threat and is intimidated." Y/n tried to reassure her friend but it did not help.

"And if he sees us as a threat? We're dead." The old woman shook her head and went to go sit on her couch.

"No. I found a way to get rid of him, for good. I just need some help."

"How could I possibly help you?" Greenleaf snapped. "My magic was supposed to be permanent. Only a few of us know how to undo what's been done. Along with Bigby and Snow, but I don't see either of them pulling something like this. What is there to gain?"

"Bigby would never! And...although I'm not close to Snow, I know that she would never put Fabletown in that kind of danger. I only came because I wanted to show you this book." Walking over, the cat gave the old woman the book which Greenleaf just chuckled at and returned it.

"A Mundy book? That's going to solve our problem?"

"This book talks about different universes. Places where only Mundane lives exist." Y/n replied which seemed to change the tone in the entire room. "If that kind of world is true then we can send him there and he'll never bother any of us ever again. We'll be free. We won't have to guard him or fear that he'll come back. He won't even be immortal anymore. Our magic laws don't apply there." There was silence for a brief moment before the old woman finally spoke.

"You have to get close enough to do a spell like that."

"I know. Which is why I'm here. I need your help to figure that out." Y/n explained.

"I don't know. I really don't. Those bodyguards of his will be in the way all the time." Y/n's heart sank. They were so close to getting rid of The Crooked Man yet so far at the same time. "A glamour." She finally spoke, lifting Y/n out of her sadness. "We can't have you turning into one of his henchmen and risk them walking in on you while you're trying to work the spell."

"Don't tell me..."

"A cat would be fitting." Greenleaf gave a playful grin as she heard Y/n start to complain.

"There aren't any options, are there?" Y/n sighed.

"Nothing other than this." Greenleaf replied and with that, the two chatted while Greenleaf began to work on Y/n's glamour. This was the beginning of a war and now we were prepared for it.


"Bigby!" Y/n called out to her lover once she arrived at the Trip Trap bar. "I solved our problem."

"What do you mean?" Her wolf asked, looking at her from the bar where Holly and Gren were also at.

"I was right about my friend. She gave me a book that wrote about other worlds or alternate universes." Y/n began to explain.

"Uh...huh...?" Bigby muttered, signaling for her to continue although he already did not like where this was going.

"I confirmed with Greenleaf that if the spell was used by one of us then it could work but we'd have to get close enough to the old man so it could work. Auntie gave me a glamour to transform into a cat so that I'll be able to-"

"Wait, you're going to do it?" Gren asked worriedly.

"I don't think that's a great idea, Y/n." Bigby started. "This is dangerous and we don't even know where the old man is hiding. How long is that glamour supposed to hold anyway?"

"Auntie used a lot of her good material to make me this one. It should hold up until I transform back to my original form." Y/n replied, holding up the glamour she received in her hand to show all of them. "You know I can handle myself."

"That's not the problem. I'm worried about what happens when you finally get the job done. All of his men will be on your tail in a heartbeat and there'll be nothing I can do." Bigby huffed.

"We can't start worrying about ourselves right now, Bigby! This has to get done. I'll use the glamour and I'll wander around the town a bit until I spot one of his goons. I'll follow them until they lead me to the Crooked Man. I'll search for a way out before I do anything drastic if that makes you feel better but we have to finish this." Even Gren and Holly had their concerns but they knew it was pointless to try and talk her out of it. Once Y/n made up her mind, there was no changing it.

"Fine, but I'm keeping tabs on you." Bigby sighed and pulled her close to him.

"Just don't blow my cover." Y/n replied with a playful smirk before resting in his arms.

"This is a bar, not the Pudding & Pie." Gren spoke, rolling his eyes as he downed another drink.

"Sorry, Gren." Y/n giggled before pulling away and taking one last look at the glamour again before activating it. Her body started to change and shrink into a smaller size, her ears and tails remained but her entire being became one like an orange cat. Y/n was small, almost like a seven month old cat, maybe younger. All she knew was that the plan was going smoothly for now and that's all she could have hoped for. Mewing, Holly was in love with Y/n's new form, petting her head which made Y/n purr.

"Cute, now don't blow it." Gren smirked, knowing Y/n could not say anything back.

EDITED 08/03/2021 - 4:12 pm

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now