Almost - FIN(18+)

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Normal P.O.V.

"Let go!!" Y/n yelled, struggling to break free of Markus' as he continued to drag her towards his personal chambers. This isn't happening! It isn't!! She mentally screamed before being tossed onto a large yet comfortable bed. The bed itself was pitch black with crimson red pillows covering half of it. Taking a look around his room, she noticed it was fairly empty with only a desk and a few weights scattered all around the room.

"Pay attention, kitten." Markus spoke up, closing and locking the large steel door behind him that seemed to be her only way of escaping. The room had no windows and the only light came from a tall floor lamp in the shape of a tree. "I want to make sure you never forget this."

"You try anything and I'll pound you into oblivion!" Y/n hissed, watching as Markus removed his jacket followed by his shirt, showing off his ripped toned body but also scars from various fights he had been in previously.

"Honey, that's what I'm going to be doing to you in the next few minutes." The male smirked, slowly making his way on top of the bed and crawling towards her. She wasted no time kicking at his face and chest area which turned out to be a big mistake. Grabbing one of her ankles, she harshly dragged her towards him, resulting in him being on top of her in seconds.

"How long have you been waiting to use that stupid come back?" Y/n glared.

"A while, actually." Markus winked and pinned her hands above her head. He was strong. Stronger than her at least since becoming a male. Not to mention that the effects of the spell could have altered his strength and made him over powered. "No sexy clothes...and yet you're still so fucking beautiful." He leaned down and whispered into her ear which caused her face to become bright red.

"W-what are you talking ab-!" Y/n began but her words stopped when she felt something wet begin to slide up the side of her neck, causing her to scream.

"Are you that sensitive?" Markus chuckled evilly, biting her neck gently which caused her to squirm.

"What...the hell do you think!? Now get off!!" Y/n demanded, feeling a hand start to unbutton her jeans. "Stop!!" She demanded again but her words fell on deaf ears as his hand slid into her pants, rubbing her most sensitive area above her panties.

"Just admit that it feels good. At least your body is being honest. You're already soaked." Markus smirked against her neck before starting to suck on it, earning him a moan from the cursed Fable beneath him.

"You're wrong! I'm...n-not like this!!" Y/n denied, closing her legs together but that didn't stop the pleasure that he was giving her. She would never admit it but it indeed felt good. Guilt, worry, pleasure....all of those emotions were coursing through her at the same time. What surprised her was how gentle and slow he was going for her. As if he really wanted her to enjoy it first instead of just forcing himself onto her without any preparation. But in the end, she felt like she was cheating on Bigby considering she was slowly giving in to the pleasure. What's going on? I'm not usually like this. Not even with Bigby. Not that we've done anything like this yet but still....

"There we go...." Markus purred, letting go of her hands before gently tilting her head up and giving her a deep yet passionate kiss on the lips. "I wasn't lying when I said I liked you, y'know." He added, licking her lips and trailing kisses down her face towards her neck.

"You...don't do this to people you like..." Y/n gasped, feeling his hand go inside her panties.

"You aren't exactly fighting anymore. You haven't abandoned your wolf for pleasure have you?" Markus taunted before pulling back and pointing above him. Looking up, she noticed a small air vent on the ceiling that was generating some kind of purple gas that she was unaware of. "That gas contains an aphrodisiac that could make even the purest of hearts turn to sin. Does it affect me? Of course. But the difference between us is that I don't mind giving in to my desires." T-that's why!! "You gave in to your desires quickly though. Did you secretly have feelings for me too?"

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now