Be Happy

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Normal P.O.V.

Markus charged at the old man who stood up slowly and didn't even try to evade him. The Crooked Man took the end of his staff into his hands and unscrewed the ball at the end of it to reveal a very sharp looking blade. 

"Markus look out!" Y/N shouted.

Markus only focused on the man in front of him, his dream for Y/N was racing through is mind like a song on repeat. 

Please let this work...for her!

The rest of the Fables had managed to take down the few remaining goons. Bigby and Bluebeard were tying them up while Y/N put the Fables that had been turned into animals into another fenced in part of the yard.

Y/N turned to where she could see Markus and the Crooked Man face off and began to run after them to help him out.

"Bigby! Bluebeard! We have to help Markus!" Y/N yelled but was yanked back by her wrist when she passed Bigby and it none other than the Big Bad Wolf that pulled her back.

"We have to trust Markus to finished this off alone. He said not to interfere, remember?" Bigby told her as his gaze drifted off to the soon to by fight.

"I know what he said, Bigby, but this is the Crooked Man for crying out loud. We all know that he isn't going to play fair. Snow probably helped him create a backup plan to escape just in case this all didn't turn out in his favor!" Y/N protested. 

Bluebeard only listened and tied up the last of the Crooked Man's men. He didn't care how this all ended, just that it ended and he could go back to work.

"I should have left you to rot." The Crooked Man told Markus.

"Yes, you should have." Markus replied and continued to charge at the old man. "But you didn't!"

Markus managed to dodge a swing from the Crooked Man's pointed staff and land a punch on his face. The old man didn't even flinch nor show any pain from the hit he had just received. 

"You think your mindless plan of just throwing punches can take me down? I am not the same man as before, Markus." The Crooked Man continued to speak before swinging his staff again and slicing Markus across his chest.

"No..." Markus started while stepping back and placing a hand on the new wound across his chest. "That's not my plan at all."

"Well, whatever you are planning, it's not going according to plan, is it?" The old man chuckled darkly. 

"Actually, it's going just the way I want it to!" Markus replied and charged at him again and managed to get around behind him after avoiding a blow from the deadly staff. Markus wrapped his arm around the old man's neck from behind and held him tightly.

"You ungrateful fool. I brought you back from the land of the dead and this is how you repay me? By betraying me!?" The old man shouted. Markus could only smirk.

"We were never supposed to come back. All of us should have stayed where we belonged." Markus told him and made the old man look at the rest of the resurrected Fables. "All of this should not have happened."

"Then by all means, let me help you go back to being dead!" The Crooked Man raised his voice and with all of his strength, pierced his stomach and sent it through Markus's chest. 

The crooked bastard knew he would be going down the Witching Well after this, he would never allow himself to be caught or be killed that way. If he was going to die, he was going to die on his terms and he for sure was not going to go down alone.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now