The Mark - FIN

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Y/n meowed a couple of times before being picked up by Bigby. Her tail gently swayed back and forth, showing that she was relaxed and comfortable in his arms. The plan seemed simple enough. She knew the streets well enough to know that she would not get lost. But something seemed off. Shaking it off, Y/n pawed at Bigby's chest in the middle of him talking to the rest of her friends to indicate that she was ready to put their plan into action.

"I'll drop you off near the Pudding & Pie. Maybe one of his goons will be there, but seriously, be careful." Bigby lectured, which only earned him another mew from his lover. Saying goodbye to their friends, Y/n and Bigby left the Trip Trap bar and called for a taxi. Bigby was clearly upset about letting her go off alone with absolutely no backup, but what else could be done?

"Mew." Y/n meowed all of a sudden to try and get Bigby's attention but by the time the big bad wolf turned his head to see what she wanted the taxi had stopped in front of the Pudding & Pie. Opening his door, Y/n landed on Bigby's knee before pouncing onto the pavement. As the taxi slowly drove away, Y/n felt more and more uneasy about going alone. It left her stunned for a moment. Why did she feel this way? Why did she only start feeling this way after she left Bigby's side? Shaking her head at the thought, Tiffa ran in between a few people's legs to dodge being stepped on.

This isn't going to be as easy as I thought.

After wandering around the Pudding & Pie for a few hours, Y/n overheard a couple of rugged looking men complaining about guarding an old man which sounded off to her. The Crooked Man? Perking her ears up, she quickly followed the men inside the building when one of them held the door open for too long. Vivian is going to kill me for not showing up tonight. I'll just explain what happened even though...I really don't want anyone knowing about what that bastard did to me.

"That fucker Markus is some piece of work." The dark-haired goon laughed, walking over to the bar and ordering two drinks for him and his friend.

"I know, but don't you think he went a bit too far?" The blonde replied with a bit of a worried look on his face. He was clearly not happy with his partner's attitude.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you're becoming soft. All he did was rough her up a bit. Nothing crazy." The male replied as if it was nothing serious. The man sexually assaults me and that's nothing to you!? Y/n growled a little bit but not loud enough to be heard. She was not about to let her emotions get in the way of this mission.

"He beat the girl almost to death. Yet, the boss said we needed her. That doesn't make any sense to me. That dude is out of control." The blonde snapped, shaking his head and downing his drink. Wanting to forget about work for now but he knew it was not going to happen with his sadistic partner standing right there. Beat me? That's what Mary told them? Or the Crooked Man? No. The old man doesn't like to sugar coat shit. Mary must have been the one to make up the story. The men continued to walk around and order multiple drinks until they were so gone that they could no longer walk straight. Lightweights..., Y/n sighed as she continued to follow the men around. Seeing as she did not have a choice. No one else seemed to be looking to cause trouble and she was sure one of them would be talking about where that old man was hiding eventually. Y/n looked away from the men for a mere moment to look around the room filled with dancers and half-naked women and men. One of them caught her eye and she stared at him for a bit too long.

"Dude, how did a cat get in here?" The blonde spoke up, grabbing the cat by the back of her neck, rendering her unable to move. The two men laughed at the feline but she wanted nothing more than to claw out their eyes right then and there. The blonde's attitude seemed to completely change when he became fully wasted. People don't still set cats on fire, right?

"I don't know, man, but shit. Let's cause some ruckus or something with it." The two began to laugh but Y/n had begun to hiss and try to get away. With her small cat form she was not able to do much except watch as the men took her to the men's bathroom. "Damn man, there ain't no oil or nothin'." Pulling out a lighter, the two shrugged off the fact that they did not have anything to make the flames stick. "Whatever, man. We'll have some fun another way-"

"What the fuck are you two idiots doing?" That familiar voice broke through Y/n's hissing and made her suddenly stop. Mary? Y/n growled quietly at his appearance. I'd rather not deal with any of these bastards, dammit.

"Having some fun, boss." The blonde replied, holding Y/n and the lighter up. Rolling his eyes, Markus walked over to the two drunken men, gently grabbing the cat from them.

"I don't care what you two idiots do in your off time but if I catch you doing this to another animal you'll be sleeping with the fishes. Spending some real quality time with those animals." Markus threatened, holding the cat in his arms that was now dirty from being manhandled by the two other men.

"Y-yes, sir." The two said in unison before Markus walked out of the bathroom.

"Let's get you cleaned up and on your way." Markus spoke to the cat, holding her close before exiting the Pudding & Pie. No no no no no! I'm supposed to be meeting up with Bigby and if he sees me with Mary then he'll completely blow our cover. The man took Y/n back to his room in the Crooked Man's hideout which happened to be an abandoned prison on the outskirts of the Mundy town. Although it was a bit of a walk, the man seemed completely fine until he reached his room. His bones popped and he let out a deep breath as if he was holding it the entire time. "Sorry, cat. It might actually be a minute. I'm worn out." Setting Y/n on his bed, the man laid down next to her and began to fall asleep. 

EDITED 08/14/2021 - 1:01 am

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now