Unthinkable - FIN

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Normal P.O.V.

"Johann, don't freak out." Y/n held up her hands to show that she meant no harm to the butcher. Although she was friendly with Fables such as Johann, it didn't mean that old wounds wouldn't resurface. Taking a small glance around the shop, she could tell that not much had changed in the ten years that passed. Which she was happy for. Johann always had the best cut of meat from what I could remember. Better than the instant noodles I always have.

"First wolves .... Now I have cats sniffing around my meat shop. To be honest, I don't know which one is worse." Johann grimaced at the sight of the two Fables, remembering what happened to him last time the wolf showed up at his doorstep. "What do you want?" He demanded, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Someone ratted you out at The Pudding & Pie." Bigby quickly replied, not in the mood for playing games as it had taken them a while to finally get to the butcher shop after giving their report to Snow White.


"Some drunk. I don't know his name and I don't care right now. You're still working for that crooked bastard!" Bigby growled, seeing Johann as nothing but a threat once again. Backing away from the two of them, the butcher thought about dashing into the storage room to get a head start on escaping. "You running is only going to make things harder." Bigby added, noticing Johann's shifting eyes.

"Johann...please. We don't want to hurt you but you're going to end up making us if you don't-" Y/n started but the sound of glass shattering was heard before she could speak another word. The front windows of The Cut Above had been shattered to pieces within seconds as Bigby and Y/n shielded their faces from any shards that came flying their way.

"Y/n, are you all right!?" Bigby spoke in alarm. Before she could respond, an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her to the other side of the shop, keeping her close as she struggled to break free.

"She'll be fine, wolf." The voice of a man broke the silence. A man they had never seen before. He was caked in leather and his shoulder length, jet black hair had a crimson red streak going down the side of it as he smirked down at the cat in his grasp.

"Who the hell-?" Bigby began but was quickly interrupted by the unknown figure.

"I'd love to stay and chat but I have bigger fish to fry after this girl is handed over. Bye-bye!" The male smirked, pulling a cloth out and covering Y/n's mouth and nose with it which soon made her drowsy and fall asleep in the strangers arms.


Somewhere Unknown....

"...." Y/n's eyes fluttered open as she looked around the room she was in, unable to make out any objects within the room. It was then she noticed that her hands were chained and said chains were connected to the wall behind her, rendering her unable to move without it causing some kind of discomfort. "W...what is this?" She questioned until a sudden light came from the front of the room, looking up from where she was sitting, she had seen that it was the same man that tried to take her away from Bigby right before she passed out.

"You look like you don't remember me, doll." The man winked at Y/n which made her give him a confused look.

"I've never seen you before...except for a little bit ago when I was with Bigby." Y/n replied before giving him a glare.

"Oh, don't look at me that way, love. You'll get wrinkles if you do." He teased and kneeled down to her level, placing his hand under her chin which seemed to only piss her off. "I'm Bloody Mary." The information hit Y/n like a ton of bricks. W..what? That's not...it's not possible!

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now