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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Markus, we need to leave! Now!" I shouted as I stuffed the scroll into my bag and hurried back to his side to fight the Fables attacking him.

"No shit, I was waiting for you, girl!" He smirked and sent one of the Fables flying into the walls. It was then I saw the one woman I didn't want to see right now; Snow White. Standing next to her was my rival; Summer Gold, wearing that stupid smug look on her face.

"You have something that belongs to us, cat." Summer stated as the fighting stopped. Markus stood in front of me in a protective stance in case Summer tried anything sneaky.

"Snow!" I shouted. She wore an emotionless face. She knew what I had found and there was no way I was handing it over. "How could you? We trusted you!" I didn't try hiding the hurt in my voice. I thought me and Snow were close...but for her to do this.

"You have been a handful since day one, Night. The same goes for Bigby and – "

"Don't say his name like you're his friend." I snapped, cutting her off. Her face saddened as she looked away from me. "I'm tired of jumping through everyone's hoops! You and that crooked bastard!" I shouted and started fighting through the Fables to get to an exit. It surprised me that Markus went along and fought with me until the only thing standing in our way were two bitch Fables.

"I didn't have the choice to work something out with the Crooked Man last time because of Bigby. He has been a dear friend of mine but all things must come to an end at some point." Snow explained, like it just had to be done, like she didn't have a choice.

"Was power worth so much more than the people who cared about you?" I was slightly shaking at this point from the amount of rage I was trying to bottle up.

"Yes." Snow replied quickly. And with that, I didn't hesitate to charge at her, my claws growing. Ready to rip her face apart, until Summer collided with me and knocked me back.

"You can't win against me, Night. It's been centuries since our last fight and you're still so weak." Summer giggled until a hand grabbed her throat and lifted her.

"Markus!" I exclaimed.

"Don't you ever put your filthy hands on her again." He glared at the princess-like girl in front of him as he threw her back into the ground like she was nothing, then glared at Snow White.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!? You work for the Crooked Man AND me! Your enemy is over there!" Snow declared as she pointed at me. Markus simply scowled at her and walked back over to my side.

"My loyalty is with Y/N and Y/N alone. If she wants nothing more to do with that crooked bastard then I won't stop her and I'll help her until I turn to dust." Markus stated (Nazir! I love you! xD If you guys get my Skyrim reference, I love you even more lol!). My cheeks flushed at his words but the shadow moving behind Snow caught my eye. I knew who it was, the man I turned on to make everything right so that we could be together. Bigby Wolf.

"Bigby..." Snow started but couldn't get a word out because Bigby made a B-line right for me.

Markus P.O.V.

I glared at the wolf and kept my guard up just in case he tried to pull a cheap trick on us. He slowly made his way over to us and in front of Y/N. She was frozen from seeing him and knowing that he probably heard all of that was even more that she had to deal with.

"I want to know right now; why did you leave?" Bigby asked, his voice laced with hurt and anger. I had already spoken to him on her reason for joining the Crooked Man's side. It was to keep him safe and to get closer to the Crooked Bastard so we could finally get rid of him and live in peace. I can only guess that Bigby wants to hear it directly from her.

"Bigby I just...I didn't know what else to do. I thought- "She was cut off.

"You thought playing the hero and possibly getting yourself killed would help any one!?" Bigby shouted at her.

"Hey!" I spoke up. "Don't think you wouldn't do some stupid shit for the one you loved!" I finished.

"How would you know what that's like!?" Bigby snapped back. My eyes widened slightly at his question but I just scowled and turned away.

Bigby's P.O.V.

I snapped at the creepy Fable that attempted to rape my lover. How could he possibly know what it means to love someone? He was rambling on about his feelings towards her before but I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. I was about to say something else to the lying Fable until I felt a small hand tugging on my tie.

I looked down to see the woman I love looking down at the floor, unable to meet my gaze. After a few moments, I calmed down slightly and put my hand on her cheek.

"Bigby!" Snow shouted. I turned and glared at her.

"I heard everything, you untrustworthy bitch." I stated as I watched her expression darken.

"I could give you so much more! I can convince the Crooked Man to let you stay alive. What can that stray cat give you? A life of crime? You'll be on the run and no longer welcome here if you choose to go with her!" Snow pleaded. It was all lies. She could only want me on her side to make taking over the rest of Fabletown easy.

"You know, I really hoped that after all this time, after all these years we spent together that you would finally understand what kind of man I am, Snow." I started and then turned to face Snow White. "But I guess I was wrong." I finished and started to transform into my werewolf form.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now