Book 2?

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Update 08/03/2021

Alrighty, so...things have changed a bit in the last few years lol I've been a little on and off with updating but by the time you read this, I should be done editing this book or at least close to editing. Re-reading this book...kinda made me cringe. I made this when I still didn't understand what made a good book and I was fresh into the Fables Fandom. I was a huge simp for Bigby, still am. Even after so many years, I have loyal readers that haven't given up on a book two and I still plan to deliver once we hit 50 followers. Until then, I am going to be working on an original book that I have been working on since I was thirteen. It's my biggest project. For those who are also wondering where the Naruto fanfic's hidding. It's probably cringe worthy as well and for me to get everything actuate for that book, I have to watch every Naruto episode one by one and I just don't have the time right now. Which is why requests for the "Naruto!Various x Reader One-Shots" is hiding as well. 

I just...this book is so bad, omfg. So many unnecessary subplots, certain things just didn't make sense or were so cheesy that it felt forced. I love cheese, don't get me wrong, but this is not the right kind. Even after fully editing it, I still was not happy with it. I'm glad you guys enjoy it though, I'm happy you're enjoying the characters even if they seem a bit OOC. Again, if you're still interested in a second book, make sure to follow me and leave a comment down below. 

I never imagined for this book to get all the love it did and I'm happy that we're gonna be able to continue it. I love you guys and thank you again!

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now