Snow White

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Y/N's P.O.V.

A full month has gone by without any action from The Crooked Man, but us on the other hand, had our hands full. We started by taking over small businesses in Fabletown, and by us, I mean Markus and I. I would sometimes go on runs with the twins, surprisingly enough they were actually fun to hang around. 

I felt guilty admitting it because these people were supposed to be my enemy and I was having a genuine conversation with them like we had been long-lost friends. Markus has been keeping his distance ever since I arrived and I honestly can't blame him. I'm obviously still furious about what he tried to do, even if it wasn't much of a choice for him.

"Hey, Dee?" I spoke to one of the twins in front of me.

"What is it, H/C?" Dee replied with a smirk and nudged his brother, who only rolled his eyes.

"Can you stop calling me that? Listen, I wanted to ask about Markus." I said.

"Was wondering when you would, lass. He's got a way with the ladies." Dee chuckled.

"Not like that, you dobe!" I grimaced. "Not that I don't mind, but he's been keeping away from me more and more lately." There was something about Markus that always drew me to him. Ughh, what was I talking about? I can't stand him! That's what I'm supposed to be thinking!

"Isn't that what you want, girl? Considering who he is and what he's done and all." Dum suggested. I simply kept my gaze to the ground as I pondered on his words. There's still a lot he has to make up for but I guess that can't start unless we start talking to each other normally.

"Maybe...I did at first but now I'm not so sure." I muttered, bumping into the twins that had stopped. "Hey, what gives?"

"Trouble at the Woodlands it seems. That man can't seem to go anywhere without making a scene." Dee stated. There was no one else except Markus that caused trouble at the apartments within this last month.

"Should we help?" I asked.

"You can if you want, girlie, but we're going back to the hideout." Dum stated as him and his brother walked off. I didn't hesitate, I ran to the Woodlands and rushed to where I heard loud grunts, knowing it belonged to Markus, I ran to the roof and came face to face with the man I've been trying to avoid since leaving; Bigby Wolf.

"The twin-dumbasses let you go off alone again?" Markus complained and sighed.

"Y/N!" Bigby shouted, the sound of his voice saying my name again was music to my ears. I pushed away my feelings and turned to him with a stern expression.

"Bigby, don't. I'm not here to help you, I'm here to help Markus." I said and looked away, I couldn't meet his gaze, I can't. I'll give in.

"Don't worry, doll. I got what I came here for, so we can leave now." Markus smirked.

"Like hell you are! I don't know what you took but Snow said to retrieve it at all costs!" Bigby barked.

"And that's exactly why you're not getting it back. What we agreed upon doesn't apply to what I have in here." Markus replied as he held a grey sack in one of his hands, keeping a firm grip on it.

"Like I would just-!"

I stood in front of Markus, earning a surprised expression from Bigby. I finally met Bigby's eyes and moved into a fighting stance.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now