Nearing the End

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Y/N's P.O.V.

 "Bigby we can't stay here! Snow could have that crooked bastard and his goons here within minutes if we wait too long!" I shouted as I noticed a few larger and obviously much stronger Fables fill the hall. 

 "What in blazes is going on out here, Miss White!?" Bluebeard demanded as he approached Snow on her side. Snow could only glare at him and then back at us. I smirked at knowing he was never in on her plans and would be fuming if he found out that Snow had been spending his money on her evil deeds. 

Bluebeard began to grow impatient from Snow not giving him an answer and turned to me for one. 

 "Snow has turned her back on all of us, including Fabletown itself, Bluebeard. She's been working with The Crooked Man for years!" I exclaimed as I watched Bluebeard's shocked expression quickly fade into that famous smug look of his. 

 "Another Crane? Why am I not surprised, Miss White?" He sighed and slowly walked over to our side of the hall. 

 "What the hell are you doing, Bluebeard? I can guarantee your safety if you join my cause. You'll have even more money than you do now, we'll be so rich we won't know what to do with all the money!" Snow began, she was trying to use the same tactic she used on Bigby, but to no avail. 

I could see the rage in her eyes when Bluebeard didn't even consider her offer, which only made me smile on the inside. "You think you are all safe in this little club you have going on? Ha!" Snow was finally losing it. 

 "I'll admit it, Snow," I began and stepped up to her, "You might have won the battle today, but the war is still up for grabs and we plan on taking it!" I announced as Markus took the hint for us to leave and snagged a smoke bomb from his belt. I playfully waved goodbye as Markus threw the smoke bomb to the ground and instantly filled the hall with purple smoke. The only sounds that could be heard were the ones of glass shattering and the Fables chasing after us. 


We found an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Fabletown. We stopped to only catch our breath, well, most of us. Markus seemed to be sweating but not showing that he was tired, I simply smiled at his stubbornness, but once we got down to actually looking around the factory, it seemed like the perfect place to set up our base.

I strolled down one of the hallways of the building until I felt eyes staring at the back of my head. I turned my head to the corridor entrance I was in and met a pair of amber eyes staring directly at me. I couldn't help but give a small smile at the figure before me but as soon as it came it quickly faded at the realization that we weren't completely on good terms. 

"Bigby, listen. What I did was for you and Fabletown-" I started.

"Be quiet." Bigby interrupted as he began to take a few steps towards me. I wasn't afraid of him, not at all, but the sound of his voice was anything but scary. "You think getting killed was going to help anyone?" He slightly shouted down at me as all I could do is look at the ground.

"That wasn't my intention and you know it, Bigby!" I shouted a little louder than needed. It was then that Bigby grabbed me tightly by my arm and pulled me into a tight embrace. I was surprised at first but then gradually relaxed in his arms.

 "You are such an idiot, you know that right?" Bigby muttered into my ear. I gently laughed and closed my eyes, bringing my arms up to wrap around him but I hesitated for a second and it was then I heard a cough from behind Bigby. For some reason, I quickly stepped out of Bigby's grasp as I saw Markus in the shadows.

"We need to prepare for our final attack, Night," Markus stated. I tilted my head in confusion. "We have only a limited amount of time before Snow White and the Crooked Man find us. This place isn't exactly sturdy either." He finished.

"Right but, what are we going to do now. Ahiru's plan didn't work out like we planned and now we're five steps behind those traitors." I explained.

"We might still have a chance to go through with that plan though. It will be very risky and in the end, some of us might not make it. There is going to be a war, Y/N." Markus looked directly into my eyes.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now