Holding Out - FIN

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Normal P.O.V.

"How about a dance in the bloody light?" Mary flirted, looking right at Y/n as she spoke which angered Bigby and stood right in front of Y/n as if to protect her. "I wasn't talking to you, mutt." Mary's smirk faded as her eyes landed on Bigby.

"You think I care? Is this some kind of sick joke? You're all dead!" Bigby barked which only seemed to annoy Mary. "I killed you!" He exclaimed, pointing right at Mary. "You twins were sent to the Witching Well too! Those condemned to the Witching Well never return! We erased your names from the books so how the hell-!?"

"Can you quit your eternal bitching?" Mary yawned, covering her mouth with one of her hands as she did so. "I just want the cat and then I'll be on my way." She shrugged as if she believed she wasn't asking for much. "Why are you all looking at me like that? Are you deaf? Hand her over!" Mary ordered as the twins readied their shotguns. "It took us a while to find you, love. It took even longer to build up our strength but here we are. All questions will be answered once the Crooked Man has taken over this pathetic little town."

"She's not going anywhere," Bigby growled, his eyes began to change color and fur began to grow on his face and arms. "Especially not with someone like you!"

"I won't ask again." Mary sneered.

"Considering you didn't even ask in the first place...." Y/n started before rolling her eyes. "By all means, ask. We'd love to refuse you twice." The snickering of her friends could be heard but Bigby was able to control his urge to chuckle despite how much he desperately wanted to. "What the hell do you want with me anyway?"

"Shhh....no questions here, dollface. Just know that my boss wants you for control, me on the other hand...." Mary's eyes lingered on Y/n's body which only fueled the fire in Bigby even more along with Gren. Gren and Holly's glamour wore off and turned into their true forms as the twins looked at Mary, waiting for a command. "Fuck it." She sighed, firing her revolver at Bigby who was too fast from their last battle to fall for the same trick again. "This could've been so easy for you, Night." The twins took on Gren and Holly as Y/n and Bigby were face to face with Mary, avoiding her attacks and bullets to get closer and closer to her. Flinging Bigby into a nearby pond, Mary and Y/n's arms clashed as each tried to get the upper hand on the other. "You have no idea what you're capable of, do you?"

"What are you even talking about? I'm just another Fable like everyone else around here. Nothing more and nothing less!" Y/n snapped before getting shoved harshly to the ground, kicking up dust as she did so.

"Haven't you ever wondered where your powers came from?" Mary smirked, towering over Y/n before placing a boot on her chest. "You're a witch for crying out loud! Do you think both of your parents were normal? These kinds of things don't just skip a generation, honey." Her rambling only piled more questions on the small pile Y/n had in her mind. "Your cheating father wanted a normal life so badly that he sealed away his power only for his firstborn to inherit them."

"If...this is all the information gathered for you to kidnap me, why are you-?" Y/n started only to be cut off by a painful yell coming from Gren. "Gren!!" Before she could even think about helping her friend, the boot on her chest applied more pressure, causing her to yelp. Before they knew it, the twins had Gren and Holly pinned to the ground with their shotguns pointed at their heads with Mary pointing her revolver at Y/n to prevent Bigby from taking a single step closer. They're probably all so tired from worrying about me that they can't even fight! How long has it been since I was in the hospital?! Without giving her any more time to think, Mary pressed down on Y/n's chest harder with her boot until a shot fired out all of a sudden from the distance, causing all of them to freeze and look towards the direction of the noise. Standing there with his cane, dressed in a black suit was none other than the Crooked Man himself, lowering his gun once he knew he got everyone's attention.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now