It's my Sacrifice

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Normal P.O.V.

Everyone gathered around in the biggest room of the abandoned factory to discuss the 'war'. 

"Markus, what are you going on about?" Y/N asked.

"I mean, we can still go through with your plan to take away the crooked bastards powers and send him to another world." Markus barked.

"Do tell." Bluebeard said.

"You all have to distract his goons. Y/N, I'll need that spell that the old witch gave you. Once you guys have all his goons pinned down or distracted like I said, I'll come up behind the old man and use the spell." Markus explained.

"If it was that easy we would have done that before!" Bigby shouted.

"Not to mention this isn't the old Crooked Man we fought before. He might have something new up his sleeve this time. He won't hesitate to shoot one of us if we gets a clear shot." Y/N added.

"And what about Miss White?" Bluebeard asked.

"We all know that she isn't a fighter, but if worse comes to worse, like it usually does, then Bigby, you need to take her out or keep her down." Markus ordered Bigby.

"Fine, but what about what Y/N said? About that crooked bastard just shooting one of us or you if you actually plan on getting that close to him." Bigby replied.

"I'm a very charismatic man." Markus winked at me. "I'll be fine. I don't need any of you to worry about me and end up getting yourselves killed in action." 

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked, obviously worried.

"I'm sure. We attack tonight." Markus said and began to walk off.

"Tonight!?" Bluebeard gawked angrily at the other man.

"They won't expect us to make a retaliation move this early. We all need to rest and then when I give the go-ahead, you need to do what I told you. Do not hesitate to kill these guys, because they won't." And with that, Markus walked back to his room.


After everyone was asleep and Y/N got a bit of rest herself, she got up and went to find Markus. She couldn't stand the idea of him getting hurt, for some reason. What if he got seriously hurt and possibly died while trying to play the hero? He is going to be way to stubborn to change his mind, she thought.

When she finally reached her destination, which was his room, she lightly knocked on it. A faint 'come in' could be heard and so she grabbed the knob of the door and slowly turned it and opened the door.

Y/N walked in to the resurrected Fable's room and closed the door behind her.

"I knew you would come running off to find me some day. I just wish it was under better circumstances." Markus teased.

"I feel like we've used that joke somewhere before." Y/N replied and rubbed the back of her head.

"What did you need?" Markus asked and laid back on his cold make-shift bed.

"Will you really not change your plans? Do you have to put yourself in harms way just for the slightest chance of getting rid of the Crooked Man?" Y/N asked. The slight hint of sadness touching her voice made Markus look at her and stand up.

"I do. You will be able to live a normal life after all of this is over." Markus replied and walked over to her.

"Me? Why just me? You'll be able to live normally too, won't you? You won't have that crooked old man hovering over you all the time and you'll be free." Y/N stated. Markus could only smile at the girl before him, but what took her back was the sadness his smile was giving off.

"I want you to be happy, Y/N. I want you to live your life to the fullest, without any worries. It might sound a bit selfish of me to say this but, I want you to let go of everything that has happened up until today." Markus requested.

"W-What? Why are you...?" Y/N was utterly confused at this point.

"I'm sorry....I genuinely am. I know the reason I am changing so much, the reason I want to become better and give you everything that you deserve, even if it might be too late to give that too you, but I want to last time." Markus continued to smile and then lead her out of his room.

"I don't understand-"

"I know, but tomorrow you will when we defeat that crooked fucker and give him what he deserves." Markus finished and shut his door and locked it.

Y/N stood there a few moments longer before heading back to her own room to get more rest before everyone had to be up.


Everyone was now outside of the Crooked Man's hideout. Markus had gone through the orders everyone was given before wondering off to find an easy way in and sure enough, about 10 minutes later, they were all inside the yard.

But it wasn't long before the yard lights flashed on, temporarily blinding the group before their eyes adjusted and when they did, they were faced with over 30 Fables.

"Oh my..." Y/N commented as she looked around and found the Crooked Man at the far end of all the Fables. Standing next to him was none other than Snow White.

"Remember what I said. Hold his goons off for as long as you can and let me deal with the rest." Markus reminded them and went running past most of his enemies within minutes, heading straight for the crooked bastard that destroyed so many lives.

"Bigby, you take Miss White!" Bluebeard reminded him. Bigby nodded and sent a few goons flying with only a couple punches as he made his way through the crown of pissed off Fables.

"Don't leave me out of all the fun!" A familiar voice broke through the shouting and blasted a few Fables with her powers, turning them into chickens and miniature pigs.

"Ahiru!" Y/N cheered.

"I don't have a lot of time, Y/N. I can feel it." Ahiru told her as her body began to fade into pink fireflies.

"Ahiru, I love you! I'll never forget you!" Y/N shouted and kicked a Fable in the jaw. Ahiru's eyes began to water and she continued to use the last of her power to transform the remaining Fables, except for the ones that were resurrected, into hamsters.

"I know you won't!" Ahiru yelled and stood still, looking over to Y/N with a smile on her face but tears streaming down her face.

Y/N rushed over and jumped into Ahiru, nearly crushing her into a hug. The warmth they shared only lasted a few seconds before Ahiru's last fireflies faded and Y/N stood alone, like Ahiru was never there.

"Ahiru..." Y/N muttered as more tears escaped her eyes.

"Night! Mourn later, fight now!" Bluebeard ordered and punched one of the Tweedle Twins in the face.

The fighting continued as Bigby made his way to Snow White who only ran after him as well. Snow White tried to throw herself into Bigby's arms, thinking that he might still have something for her and that he would fall for her trick, but he knew better. He grabbed her arm and dragged her into the battlefield, throwing her into the middle of it.

This is it...

Markus came face to face with the man that was supposed to be in prison. The man who ruined Mundy and Fable lives.

"I'm going to end all of it, right here...right now." Were Markus's last words before charging at the old man.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now