Friend - FIN

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The night went by like any other and the only thing that was different about Y/n's normal morning was that she was now waking up to Bluebeard and Bigby arguing about who should do what and when. That's when an idea hit her. She had been wanting to keep this friend out of any sort of trouble considering her friend's condition, but it looked like they were out of options for the time being.

"Why don't we split up?" Y/n suggested, which Bigby was not happy with at all.

"No way. The Crooked Man is after you, remember? We can't afford to take that risk."

"I'll be with a friend and she's completely harmless." Y/n reassured.

"Who is she?" Bluebeard asked.

"Well, she travels a lot so I don't get to see her very often, but she's really sweet. She might even have some books on what we can do about the old man. Even if it doesn't involve killing him or something." She explained which made Bigby feel a little bit better but not by much. "Look, we'll agree to meet each other at a certain place and certain time. If neither of us show up then we have a problem, but if that doesn't happen then we can make a routine out of it but still be careful all at the same time."

"Fine." Bigby sighed, walking up to his lover and patting her head. "Just be careful. And if something ends up happening, we are not doing this again, ok?"

"Deal." Y/n replied, giving him a small smile before kissing his cheek and heading out the door.

"How cute." Bluebeard teased.

"Shut up."

With Y/n...

"I'm sure it was around here somewhere..." Y/n muttered to herself, looking around for a certain apartment complex until she finally found what she was looking for. The apartments were sky blue but not as tall as regular apartment buildings. There was a large, black metal gate surrounding the entire building which read 'No Trespassing' and for good reason. It was not the best neighborhood to be in and without one of those signs up, the law enforcement could not do much. At least, that is what they told their residents.

This friend was unusual to say at the very least. She claims to come from a different world and does not stay in one world for too long before she leaves unwillingly to another world. Reaching her door, Y/n gently knocked on it before calling out to her friend.

"Ahiru? It's me!" Y/n called out and within seconds her friend was at the door with the biggest smile on her face, crushing the girl into a bear hug soon after. She wore a turquoise tube top that had gemstones of all different colors scattered on it, with the same colored and patterned mini-skirt and knee-high boots. Her last detail was her arm cuffs that sported the same color and design, only the gemstones were placed at the very top. Her long, beautiful pink hair came down to her knees as well, spilling gracefully over her shoulders. "A-ahiru I can't breathe!"

"Sorry, sorry." Ahiru giggled, releasing the girl from her grip and giving her some space. "I can't believe you're actually here. I haven't been able to see you in months."

"Work will end up doing that to you." Y/n smiled, happy to see her close friend after so long.

"I wish you would come around more. You know that I don't know how long I'll be here." Ahiru spoke sadly, stepping aside so that her friend could enter her apartment. Ahiru explained before that when she travels to another world, her memory of the previous world is erased. Any friends or possible love interests would have been completely forgotten.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I can't let trouble run around in my town. No matter what." Y/n explained.

"It's your duty. I get it. I just hate this power of mine." Sighing sadly, Ahiru shook her head and closed the door behind them. "So, what did you need? Surely you didn't just come by to hang out with me, did you?"

"You remember me telling you about the Crooked Man and what he did?"

"Of course. It was horrible." Ahiru answered.

"He's back. He's back and he's worse than he was before. I need your help to stop him." Y/n informed her.

"I'm not sure what help I can be. I have no memory of the previous worlds I was in. Even if I did, I don't think the magic laws apply to every world. The world just functions way too differently in each one. I have books from this world though. A lot of them but I don't think they will be able to help you either." Walking over to her three large bookshelves, the pink-haired girl began digging through them and tossing the books that were of no use to her onto the ground beside her feet. "Here." Ahiru finally spoke up after having emptied out almost an entire shelf. "It's supposed to be a book about portals and stuff but it mostly resides with that witchcraft stuff. Not like yours, I mean." Handing the book to her friend, Y/n noticed the odd texture of the book right away. It was slightly fuzzy, almost like a plush toy but it had what looked to be an odd spinning wheel of some kind on the front of it to resemble the galaxy.

"This...looks different." Y/n spoke skeptically.

"It's all we've got that doesn't resemble a hoax." Ahiru frowned and sighed. The two sat down for a good thirty minutes to try and make sense of the book they were reading. It spoke about alternate realities which would make sense considering Ahiru said she visits multiple universes.

"Maybe...maybe we can send him to a normal one." Y/n suggested.


"Yeah! Without magic of any kind. Where only the Mundane exists. No magic, including ours, can be used there. He wouldn't be able to harm anyone ever again!" The idea was exciting to the half-Fable. Finally, they were catching a break.

"Wouldn't that steal away his immortality since your magic wouldn't apply to that world??" Ahiru questioned which seemed to only make the cat more happy.

"Ahiru you're a genius! I didn't even think about that!" Y/n replied and stood up with the book in her hands.

"Tell me something I don't know." Ahiru giggled, standing up with her friend. "I know you have a job to do, but don't think you have to do it alone anymore. You have multiple friends willing to fight by your side now. Let us help you, okay?" It was such an odd feeling for the cat. For literally hundreds of years, she had no one and now, she had so many friends willing to fight til the end.

"Thank you...really, Ahiru. Once this is all over, we'll hang out on good terms, okay?" Y/n offered to which the pink-haired female nodded.

"If you guys ever need somewhere to crash and stay hidden just head here. I don't care what time or what day it is. I'm here for you." Ahiru smiled before giving her friend one final hug. Y/n left her friend's apartment with the book in hand and began to make her way towards the spot where she was supposed to meet up with Bigby.

EDITED 08/03/2021 - 4:14 pm

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now