11 || make up / break up

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P.s this is basically a part two for fights.

Warning: Not all of them will get a happy ending. Don't blame me.
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You fell asleep on the bed as he left the room. You were so tired from crying that you didn't realize you had sleep for that long.

When you were awake, you were surprised to see a box beside you on the bed. You looked closer and noticed there was a card on it that wrote:

“ This is for you, my queen. I'm sorry.
- J. ”

You bit your lips and hesitated whether you should open the box or not. You could swallow the fact that he yelled or screamed at you but not when he hit you.

"But it wasn't his intention, was it?" 

You whispered to yourself. You saw the regret and guilt in his eyes when he realized what he has done to you.

"Argh, whatever!"

You unwrapped the box and opened it eagearly. You gasped as you saw there was a frame with a picture of you and your father. Tears flooded your vision as it reminded you of your father who has being taken away from you in a car crash.

Then you saw a note at the back of the frame. Your lips curled into a smile when you read it.

“ I couldn't love you as much as this man did. But trust me, I'll try to love you better everyday, Y/N. ”

Your heart fluttered as you read the note. It must be hard for him— the Joker to say that he loved someone. But now you knew that he really loved you.

"Y/N, forgive me."

You looked up and couldn't believe in what you were seeing. Joker looked like a lost puppy and he was silently begging for you to forgive him.

"I didn't mean to say all of that to you. I hate myself for hitting you. I shouldn't have say and done all of that to you."

He said before sitting down on the bed, eyes searching for yours. You bit your lips and said nothing.

"You're the queen of my heart, Y/N. And I'm sorry for hurting you, the most precious thing in my life."

You couldn't help but smile at his words. You pecked his lips softly and rested your forehead against his.

"Please don't do that again to me."

You whispered softly while looking into his eyes. He cracked a smile and nodded.

"I won't hurt you, Y/N L/N."

R I C K  F L A G

After you fought with Rick, you had nowhere to go. You didn't want to stay at you parents' place because you knew that they will ask you so many things and you thought that it could be worse.

The only friend that you've got was Floyd. So you knocked on his door, hoping that he would let you stay. As the door opened, his eyes widen in shock.

"I need a place to stay tonight. Please, Floyd."

You tried to stay calm but your voice cracked. Floyd nodded and took you in with concern in his eyes.

"Come in, Y/N. What happened to you?"

He asked worriedly as he saw that your eyes were red and puffy. You told him everything and he just listened. He wanted to say something but he didn't want to make things worse than it already was.

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