24 || celebrity crush

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Jared Leto.

Do I need to explain further? I mean, just look at his beard, his voice, his face, his acting skills---

"Who the hell is this man, Y/N?"

Joker's voice made you look at him. You paused the movie that was played on screen and crossed your arms against your chest.

"I'm watching my Jared. Please do not disturb me."

He frowned.

"Your Jared?"

He laughed at you. You shook your head and ignored him. He knew about your celebrity crush but he never thought it would be Leto.

"You're with me, babygirl. Why would you have a crush on this beardy old man?"

You looked up at him and smiled.

"He has eyebrows."

R I C K   F L A G

Benedict Cumberbatch.

Oh, Sherlock! How could you resist him? From his goofy grin to his absolutely handsome face, he will always be your celebrity crush. But Rick didn't understand that.

"Benedict Cu--- Cumber--- Cucumber? Did I say it right?"

Rick joked. You rolled your eyes playfully at him and hit his chest. He pretended to be hurt as a grin appeared on his face.

"Cumberbatch. Don't you dare to question why I love Benny again."

You warned. Rick wrapped an arm around you and sighed.

"But I thought you love me, Y/N."

He pouted. You chuckled and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Of course. I love you, Flag."

"More than Benedict?"

"Yes, more than Ben. More than life."


Chris Pine.

You didn't have an explanation why would you love this man so much. You loved him just because you wanted to. I mean, his face, his voice, everything just.. Perfect.

"He's too far from perfect, my dear Y/N."

Floyd pointed out, a smirk was dancing on his lips. You quirked your eyebrow.

"Now you talked like my mother."

You said, a frown on your face. Floyd chuckled and looked at Chris Pine's photo again. You showed him the photo but he couldn't find the reasons why would you have a crush on Pine.

"I don't care about him. I know you love me more. Right, Y/N?"

He asked. You wiggled your eyebrows and bursted out laughing. He pulled you to him and kissed your lips softly. Let's forget about Chris Pine for awhile, okay?

K I L L E R  C R O C

Tom Hiddleston.

His height, his smile, his laughs, his manners and his ACCENT. An accent to die for!

"I could do that accent too."

KC interrupted. You chuckled before you nodded, asking for him to continue. He mimicked British accent, but it was too fake but adorable to listen to.

"KC, please don't do that again."

You laughed. KC shrugged and you both continued to watch Loki in Thor that was played on screen. Ah, Loki is so beautiful...


Leonardo DiCaprio.

No need to say no more. He's just gorgeous and you're in love with him. Well, fantasy love, of course.

The fun part is.. Digger loves him too! So you both will squeal everytime Leo's face appeared on tv.

"Oh my god, it's Leo!"

You screamed. Digger's eyes widen as he quickly sat beside you and watched the movie together.

"How could a man be so perfect like this?"

He questioned. You nodded in agreement.

"Right? I mean, wow.. He's just---"

It was a perfect couple moment: watching Leonardo DiCaprio's movie while cuddling.


Orlando Bloom.

You once had hoped that you will become Mrs Bloom one day. But you know it will never happened and it was kind of hilarious to remember that you had that kind of dream.

"He's the one who played Legolas?"

Chato asked, definitely curious. You nodded and waited for his next question.

"I think the one who played his father is better."

Chato argued. You put a hand on your chin and pretended to be thinking. You grinned at your boyfriend.

"Yeah, Thranduil is hot. But Legolas is too hot. You know what I mean.."

Chato laughed at your answer. You were so adorable when you talked about those things.

"I like him better when he became a pirate."

Your boyfriend admitted. You nodded violently and he chuckled at your cuteness.

"I know right! He's so handsome---"

You continued to babble about Orlando, and Chato listened to you quietly. He loved how you were when you admired people. He loved to see you smile.

this probably sucks but i need to update often so bear with me.

but thank you for all your kind words that keep me alive. i love u guys!

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