16 || kisses

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His kisses could be rough and passionate when there is only you two in the room. He will pin you to the wall and kisses you like there is no tomorrow; this always resulting on a more intimate activites. ;)

R I C K  F L A G

His kisses are short but sweet, and you love it that way. He will kisses you sweetly before he goes to work and before you go to sleep. He wouldn't show his affection towards you much in front of the others, but if only you two in your home, he will kisses you a lot of times a day.


He loves your lips and he loves to kiss you a lot. He will kiss you with full of love and desperation— it is a way for him to show you that you've completed his life. You've become the love of his life and the mother to his daughter. You've completed everything in him.

K I L L E R  C R O C

At first, he is scared to kiss you. He doesn't even brave enough to hold you tightly— he was so afraid that he will hurt you accidentally. But you've assured him that you won't be hurt. So you are the one who will kiss him first, and it is just a quick peck on the lips.

C A P T A I N  B O O M E R A N G

He likes to steal kisses from you. Especially when you're reading, he will comes to you and pecks your lips quickly, taking you by surprise. Sometimes you don't even get to kiss him back, because it is just a quick peck on the lips.

E L  D I A B L O

After he lost his family, he thought that he would never see the light in his life again. But after you arrived in his life, everything has changed in a good way and he wants to show you that in every single kisses that he gives you. He will pour all of his love while he is kissing you, making sure that you know how much you meant to him— and that is everything.

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